Secure water bowl - Page 2

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Two Moons

by Two Moons on 06 January 2009 - 01:01

Sounds familiar 4pack,

Indy is also a dunker..LOL

Actually he tries to lay in it, climb in it if it was big enough.

I've only seen a few dogs who really just love to put their whole heads under water, Indy blows bubbles I guess to clear his nose.

I switched to a smaller water bowl.    If he dumps it over he can do without until the next water change.


Work on that will power.


by AKVeronica60 on 06 January 2009 - 06:01

That's funny, 4-pack.  Perhaps it is his way to tell you he wants to do water recovery SAR :-)  Veronica

by Langhaar on 06 January 2009 - 11:01

Stick a bucket in a tyre, strong enough for a horse!


by Kalibeck on 06 January 2009 - 14:01

I am so glad I'm not alone...all of my dogs love to tear up ,tip over, chew up, & basically wreck thier water bowls. And they are crated in the house when we're both at work....only about 4 hours of 3-4 days out of the week, but enough to completely ruin the hardwood floors that we put in after they ruined the carpet! LOL! I finally resorted to drip bottles, which I hate, but at least they have a water source that only leaks a little, unless they get pissed & pull the stems out...which they do on occassion. My problem child is Ani, whom we call Lil' Bit. she's a dunk & blow bubbles girl...she destroys ANYTHING & EVERYTHING I have tried with her. Even the drip bottle we found with the stem tossed across the room, & the bottle itself pulled into the crate & chewed up. How the hell she managed that one, we'll never know.The last thing I do before leaving is to give her a drink, & say a prayer. Then hubby takes her out to potty, play, and another drink when he gets home, but I worry about her. What would happen if he was in an accident, or something? But I dare not leave her with something that she might ingest. I leave at 1:30-2:00pm, my husband is home by 4:30-5:00pm. We rarely share a day off, just so there are more days when someone is home. If anyone knows of a bucket or dish, stainless steel, that would fasten to the wall of a crate, let me know! I have tried feed stores, pet stores, specialty shops...I'm beginning to think I should design one myself! Thanks! jh

by qdogg691 on 06 January 2009 - 15:01

Thanks for the info. This is the same dog that two days ago when it was 30 degrees out jumped in the lake and went swimming. I do hold out till the afternoon, but I just want to find a bucket that will work. Steve PM me when you get this thing done I would like to look @some pictures. I hope its tough cause this dog could chew up concrete if he wanted.




by Langhaar on 06 January 2009 - 15:01

I have stainless steel non spill water bowls that fix inside a hoop which is bolted to the cage which has a "foot" on thhe top so it cannot be removed and I own a dog who is similarly obsessed with water and tipping it etc.


by Liebe on 06 January 2009 - 16:01

Langhaar - Im glad you found the hoops work, unfortunately one of my clever bitches worked out that if it was worried enough the bowl would pop out! and I couldnt put it at floor level as if its big enough for a nose its big enough for a paw!

Funny how we all have the same problems with this clever breed.  Mine are also immune to the cold and would be swimming if given the chance.  The only way I can have a water bowl in the house is to have a tallish rectangular tin (the remains of a deep fat fryer) which can be firmly pushed up against a kitchen cupboard but is a bit too narrow for fun - mind you its fun watching the cats balance on the top to grab a drink!

by JGA on 07 January 2009 - 02:01

Chuckle...yes, this is an age old problem. I swear these GSD's have a bit of Labrador in them. I fastened buckets ( Horse and otherwise) to the fence and it just made it a more fun challange to the dog. Water everywhere, bucket pieces  everywhere,   even the heavy 'indestrucitble' horse rubber buckets were destroyed.

I had a friend that made a square of 2 x 4's and poured cement in it, then coated the dish with vaseline and pushed it into the cement to make a 'blow sized' hole. She popped the bowl out as soon as the cement was 'set' enough to hold its shape. Once the cement was hard  the bowl fit nicely into the concrete up to the lip so the dog could not take it out. The concrete was heavy, so playing the dish 'shell game' and pushing it around is not possible. Pretty smart idea, but I have dogs that would dig all the water out of the dish.  Tehy also make horse buckets to fit exactly in teh middle hole of an old tire so they cnt be dumped if you want a bigger water container. MIne are not just dumpers, they dig out the water, so that didn't work.

I tried horse automatic waterers fastened in...great fun to splash water out all day. I tried lick bottles and 'lick-its' you put on a faucet (so stong they are sued to raise pigs,). The dogs will lick and lick and still make a mess. I finally bought the stainless steel buckets with the flat side and hooks, but the dogs woud try to lift them off the hooks/rail.

I finally did what those darn old AKC folks have been doing for years at dog shows.....  I hung the buckets on the chain link using mountian climbing snaps. REgular snaps will do if your dog can't open them. It seems that once the bucket is off the ground (suspended) they can't dump it as easily. Since there is not as much water (no bobbing possible) they have lost interest for the most part. I have bought 2 and 4 quart buckets, and actually the smaller ones work better as there is not much room to play in the water.  Now I know that they will have enough water for at least several hours, even when I'm gone, which is a load off my mind. Only took me 32 years of fighting 'water hounds' to get to this point, and then it was my friend with Borzoi show dogs that told me to try it.


by Gator113 on 07 January 2009 - 03:01



GREAT post. You had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.

by kioanes on 07 January 2009 - 13:01

i am another person who has several water-loving dogs. horse buckets, hanging buckets, buckets in a wood or concrete block frame... nothing worked. then i found some buckets that they can't spill, and the mountings can be used on crates, kennels, even a solid wall. i got them from the wt-metall trailer guy at NASS; the buckets come in different sizes but all fit the different styles of mounting brackets, which are called 'piranha lox'. not cheap, but they really do work.


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