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Siblings list for Yukon Kiva Of Zaklan
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Portia Of Zaklan and father: Kanangnark's Happy Fella
Mother: British Sterling and father: AM CAN CH Timberlane's the Yankee ROM
Mother: Craig's Little Chitina and father: AM CAN CH Timberlane's the Yankee ROM
Mother: Glaciers Phanny Too ROM and father: AM CAN CH Timberlane's the Yankee ROM
Mother: Lady Luck and father: AM CAN CH Timberlane's the Yankee ROM
Mother: Margie's Aleutian Sugar Baby and father: AM CAN CH Timberlane's the Yankee ROM
Mother: Sarges Take A Chance On Me and father: AM CAN CH Timberlane's the Yankee ROM
Mother: Storm Kloud's Igloo and father: AM CAN CH Timberlane's the Yankee ROM
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