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Siblings list for BIS, BISS, CH Atanik Silverice Hot Pants ROM
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: CH Adair 'N' Hug Echo Of Staghorn ROM and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
Mother: AM CH Aluk Blackbird's Song and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
Mother: CH Bearhug's All About Eve and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
Mother: Force to Reckon With and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
Mother: AM. CH. GGM NORTH FACE ENCORE and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
Mother: Ggm's Force To Reckon With and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
Mother: CAN CH Keikewabic's Ice Fantasy and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
Mother: AM CH Moon Song's Driving Me Crazy ROM and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
Mother: NZ CH Mulawa Kylea Kayla and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
Mother: CH (US) Nanuke's Driving Ms Daisey ROM and father: CH (US) Nanukes Lockport Louie ROM
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