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AKC CH Royal's Do You Think I'm Sexy1999AKC WP92019103 - KC 1419CL HD- Sire | AKC CH Royal's Everyone Follow Me1996AKC WP737933/05 HD- Sire | ROMPXAKC CH Big-O Thunderheart Of Kokomo ROMPX1991AKC WP39313501 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-7022E24M-T) Sire |
AKC CH Royal's Armed And Dangerous1994AKC WP55639201 HD-OFA: Good (AK-9051G33F-T) Dam | ||
AKC CH Royal's Dirty Paula-TicsAKC WP415150/05 HD- Dam | Royals Okii Kuma Bocephus1991AKC WP325915/05 HD- Sire | |
Jo's Takara Cuervo1990AKC WP328323/05 HD- Dam | ||
UK CH Redwitch Stare If You DareKC 1632CJ HD- Dam | BARB CH Redwitch Rave On At ElthorKC 3273CH HD- Sire | MBIS UK/NOR CH Redwitch Dancin' In The DarkKC 1308CG HD- Sire |
UK CH Oktumi Valentine At RedwitchKC 1618CF HD- Dam | ||
UK CH Redwitch In Your DreamsKC W565120W04 HD- Dam | MBIS UK/NOR CH Redwitch Dancin' In The DarkKC 1308CG HD- Sire | |
Shinzam Snow QueenKC 1619CF HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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