Socialization of the Schutzhund Puppy - Page 4

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by ramgsd on 24 March 2008 - 03:03

Do right you truely are deluted. RACIAL SLURS?????????  NEVER!  I love your ambiguous "BACK WHEN".  GET A LIFE. the nice thing about this board is you can click on the name and see the posts I've made. You will never see a racial slur made by me. Because I don't do things like that. Stop trying to back-handedly infer that I've said anything racist. That would be like me asking you if you remember the times you told me about your under aged homosexual lover?

Sorry but it is you that is making your bussiness everyone elses. You are the one that can't leave a good thread alone if someone you have problems with comments on it. It's getting old. If you don't want people getting involved in your issues then refrain from smeering them all over the entire board.


by 4pack on 24 March 2008 - 03:03

What I did was introduce my dog to anything and everything at least once as a  pup/young dog. By a year old most things where old hat to him and he didn't get "excited" at meeting new people, dogs or even children. A simple trot over, sniff with a wagging tail is his reaction to most everything. I never told my dog "off" or "down" when he was younge. I told people if I let you see my dog, he may jump on you. If you don't like this, don't meet him. Now at 18 months, without me pounding on him, he does not jump up to greet people. Well occasionally he does jump on me when he is especially happy to see me. This I don't make a big deal about, I simply push him off when I am done seeing him close up, no command.

I still take my dogs with me frequently durring nice weather. At this age I no longer seek people out to "socialize" them. If someone sees us out and asks to see him, I usually say OK. Some people get irritated because they expect my dog to act the fool or be aggressivly seeking attention from them, like they are entitled to it. I find children feel the need to follow Baden around when he gets up and walks away. That is the time I get up and say we are leaving now or just go back to working my dog and ignore the people until they leave us alone. My dog is my business and not a public petting zoo. I have a female shepherd that will stick to you like velcro if you have a brush in your hand or just want to love on her in some way. My boy, is just not like that. Doesn't make him a bad dog, not socialized or even aggressive. The female will be the first one to sink her teeth into ya should you make the wrong move.

Moral of the story, an affectionet dog isn't always the safer dog.

by Do right and fear no one on 24 March 2008 - 06:03

ramgsd.  You already admitted that you went through a similar bickering fight, and I DO remember.  You should also know that you can only go back so far checking on someone's posting list, that is why I used the words "Back when".  Too many battles going on right now, but come back later and I will research.  All I have to do is some searching using the word black, but there will be thousands.  Don't have time for you now, sorry.


by sueincc on 24 March 2008 - 06:03


Why would you persist in spreading such a nasty rumor about Ramgsd?   He has told you he is not a racist.  This  disregard for others displays a profound lack of integrity  and morals on your part.  Are you really so arrogant as to not care that everyone sees this for what it really is.  You think you have the right to try and trample someones reputation just  because he asked you to stop posting on threads unless you had something to say that was relevant to the thread and he told you everyone was tired of you following me around? 

So what now, DoRight?  Are you going to continue this childish vedetta of yours?  To what end?  You have only succeeded in ruining any credibility you ever had.  There's nothing left but to try to climb up out of the hole you have sunk into. 

Look at how many people you have accused of telling lies about you in just the last couple of days. If you take a look at the threads that have been pulled up from 10/07 to the present, you will see there is an alarming and ever expanding  pattern.  You need to seek professional help for  your problems.  Lashing out at members of a message board because you are angry those members pointed out the alarming and growing number of inconsistencies in all your stories is not a healthy way to approach your issues.  Instead, realize we just want to help you recognize these may be symptoms of a larger problem.  Please see a doctor.

Just as we are all willing to help Jonathan, I'm sure people will be willing to reach out to you once you are on the road to recovery too.

by Do right and fear no one on 24 March 2008 - 07:03

"You think you have the right to try and trample someones reputation".  Well said Susan Yuck.

Ha Ha.  On the road to recovery.  That is a good one.

Truth is sue, you can't see what you wrote in yourself.  You denegrated me for no reason.  You slanded me for no reason.  You lied on me and about me, for no reason, other than I disagreed with you about schutzhund.  I begged and pleaded with you and the other twat twins, to debate as adults with different points of view.  Yet, the three of you kept and keep ganging up on me, because you disagreed with me, or more to the point, I desagreed with you concerning certain aspects of schutzhund, ie: the biting part.

That's the whole thing in a nutshell.  Ya'll could not believe that someone would disagree with you and stand up to you.  Because ya'll had ganged up on others and they got wore out, being hit from three sides at once.  Same with Abhay.  He couldn't understand that I could not be bullied into backing down.

You keep stating that "everyone" is on your side, totally ignoring the others that post on these things, giving a point of view that is more in line with my side.  You act like they are not there.

All mean aspects of this battle aside for just a few moments Susan.  I posted the names of more than a few members of this board, including several that are diffinitly more favorable to you and the other ladies I am fueding with.  I said I would quit this fight, if any of them.  Just one of them, said that I was wrong.  That I had not been lied about.  That I had not been slandered on the world wide web without due provocation.  That my reputation was not harmed without reasons for doing so.  I listed many of the most respected, and many of the most fair members I could think of.  4pack even just posted that she is friendly with RatPackKing (not meaning anything wrong there, but just that she had talked to him a time or two), and yet I included him in the list, because I do think that he is honest and fair.  He even has posted on that very link more than once already, without saying the magic words.  I fully expected him to and am even more sure that I like him for honesty and fairness now, than I did when I included him on the list.

Yet, no one has stepped forward and said "Do Right, you are wrong, let it go.  It did not happen as you say".  I could have said that it would take at least two of the people on that list, to make me stop.  But no. I said just one.

Know why?  Because they will know that everyone else sees them not being honest and fair.  Know why?  Because none of those honorable people want to lie in writing.  Know why?  Because they know and have seen what has been thrown at me, unprovoked and unneccessarily.   Know why?  Because those slanders and lies DID HAPPEN.  By you and others.  Statements like the PM that was sent to me, accussing me of being a child molester.   The statements that I "battoned and shot" people to let out frustration, when I was a working cop.  Statements like I cheat on my wife and frequently forget my marriage vows.  Statements that I was kicked out of the Marines Corps.  There are many many more.  The ones I justlisted are IMPORTANT to a man that has dedicated his life to his country, proud of his service in the military and police.  Proud of being with the same women since he was ten years old.  Proud of not being one of those overreactive cops you see on TV.  They are an embarrassment when I see them and I cringe because they rarely show the higher percentage of good cops.  Maybe you just don't understand how important those things I listed are to me.  They are my life.  My reputation.  My name is kn

by Do right and fear no one on 24 March 2008 - 07:03

known on this site and if I was anonymous, I could just forget the bablings and leave.  But, I am "out there" and I will defend my reputation, whatever it takes.  If the incoming is from six different directions, so be it.

No sue, I do not cry.  I might make a strong case, and maybe carry it way overboard.  But heck.  I have reason too.

Can't you see that?  Are you really that insecure with yourself?  Are you really blind to your own faults?  Did you think that you were perfect?

No sue.  All you had to do was say something along these lines.  "Do Right, I think you are a stubborn old fool, totally wrong about the sport of schutzhund.  A mediocre dog trainer at best.  But I have to admit, I and some others here have said some things to you and about you that were overboard and flat out wrong.  You are still an ass though".

But, your personality is such that you can not bring yourself to apologize to me, for anything.  I guess that means you think that all of the stuff you said about me is true and correct.  Or, you just are truly a pathetic person with no "character or honor".

Why has not anyone, even though you claim everyone is tired of my BS, told me I am wrong?  What's your best guess.  Are they all afraid the big bad wolf Walter going to locate their homes and "get them"?  Nope, they are not.  And neither are you.  You just use that for sympathy.

As for rangsd, he just needs to lay off of me right now.  I ain't in the mood for his crap.  Whether he likes it or not, I do not care.  I haven't said a word to him or about him, until he butted into my business.  I didn't put him on my list for a reason.  Some I just forgot, but I remembered him and left him off the list intentionally.  I forget very few things.  I will apologize to him here and now for what I said about him and to him.  But I bet it won't go away and I will just have another after me on here.  Oh well, brought it upon myself for taking on Abhay in the first place when he came to "our" site and started telling us how "we" have ruined the GSD breed.  Brought it upon myself for trying to make the point tht the breed is suffering because of the biting aspects of the sports.  We don't need the biting in sports.  There are plenty of other things this breed is capable of and excels at.  Let the Pits and the Rotts get banned.  Not this breed.  My first dog as a child was a GSD named Blitzen.  I thought he was Rin Tin TIn when I was 6.  This breed is important to me.

by Abhay on 24 March 2008 - 08:03

twat twins? Walter, Seek Help ASAP!!!  I have to hand it to ya Walter. You are one typing son of a gun.

by Do right and fear no one on 24 March 2008 - 08:03

He He.  I have to hand it to you Capt., er, ah, Abhay.  You are one good computer nerd.  You come up with the good stuff.  All those years of boxing and kicking, really improved your computer skills.  Never met any professional fighters so darn good at computer stuff.  How do you stay up this late and take care of those 60+ dogs in the morning?  Do they just stay in the kennels until you get up in the afternoon? Oh, wait.  Silly me.  You lied about them also.  Just making yourself a "real piece of work".   Well, you succeeded in that.

Yep.  You are one in a million.  Or is it two in a million?

by Abhay on 24 March 2008 - 08:03

I'm one in 6.5 Billion bra. They broke the mold after me.  Don't worry Walter. After all those years on the RR, all I need is a hour nap, and I'm good to go. Besides, I'm down to just over 30 dogs now.  Plus, I have plenty of help.  In a couple of hours, I will be brushing my daughter's hair for school.

by VKFGSD on 24 March 2008 - 08:03

Vikram,   I beg to differ with your statement "The strong prey drives in certain bloodlines always can cause issues with small children " - that would be ( and SHOULD BE)  cause for immediate removal from any sound breeding program and perhaps even removal from life. NO ONE should house a dog that that is true of. You do not have the right to put someone else at risk for no good reason.

A good shepherd (yes even one with very strong prey drive) lights up with joy at seeing children and instinctively understands that this is something to be protected. That is what needs to be selected for.

Bancroft, socialize the heck out fo your pup. A good dog is a good dog and socialization will not affect it's performance on the field. IMHO the better dogs are the ones that can live a full life AND do the work.  IF the ONLY way you can get a dog to focus sufficiently is to deprive it of everything else in life- there is something seriously wrong with the dog and also with the handler if he doesn't recognize that.


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