Socialization of the Schutzhund Puppy - Page 3

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by Do right and fear no one on 23 March 2008 - 23:03

Susan.  First off, you claimed that you have titled dogs in the past.  I asked for the dogs name.  You failed to provide it.  Now you are giving out the name of "Tiekerhook", but no name of a dog.  hmmm

Am I supposed to be impressed because you throw some names out there.  I am not.  I would be impressed if you posted the name of the dog/s YOU TITLED yourself.  I would be very impressed.

As to your statement about when I volunteered to be the "helper" at a showing of my departments canines, what part of it did you not understand?  The part about not using a sleeve?

The dogs sucked.  I knew that already.  I have written that here before.  I had been working with these dogs for years in narcotics work.  Had seen them attack at training many times.  I knew that they did not give full bites and such, but instead did nips with their front teeth.  I also did not care if they did give a full bite, as I have taken many with hidden sleeves and sometimes the dogs get other parts of the body and it don't hurt THAT much.  Maybe some are just a little tougher than others.  Is that the part that bothers you?  I am sure that you have never taken a bite from an attacking dog ever with a sleeve, intentionally.  I assume you think that the world would end if you did so.  It ain't that big of a deal.  As a matter of fact, because in schutzhund it is a game to the dog, what each dog will do is usually very predicable and someone with prior knowledge of a dog will just about be able to call what will happen, before the dog is ever sent on the bite.

The story is true.  The circumstances I related are true.  Whether you want it to be true or not.  I might have been showing off in front of my fellow officers and my superior officers, but showing off does not equate to lying about it.  Perhaps it just "seems" not to be true to you because, well, no reason really.  Just envious that you could not do the same.  Being your size, toughness and all.  Again, insinuating I am a liar with no proof or facts to make an informed opinion of.  I will take a bite from any dog any of you have, just wearing six sweatshirts, if you pay me one hundred dollars.

I will charge you because I have to get something out of it, if you are going to get your jollies having your dog bite me.  Except your dog suestink.  I swear to you, in front of everyone, that I will take a bite from your dog for free.  Just wearing six sweatshirts.

You are thousands of miles away from me, I know.  So perhaps you think I am just bluffing.  Well, I will be visiting my son in Texas this summer.  I will be driving there.  Perhaps my wife and I could come to your current club and with your club members there, I will take a bite from YOUR dog.

Just to show you in person that I do not lie.  Don't need to.





by 4pack on 24 March 2008 - 00:03

"However, in my humble (and possibly wrong) opinion I have noticed that the ScH dogs I've seen seem a bit antisocial - certainly the owners seem reluctant to allow them to meet people in the way i encourage my dogs to do. These ScH dogs definitely do not seem to get on well with other dogs and the owners would never ever let them off lead in public. This seems a shame as my dogs follow me on outdoor walks off lead and are completely under voice control."

What you may be witnessing isn't dogs that are not well socialized but just not as social as a pet dog may be. My dog likes people, he is very well socialized but he is not an attention hog. He will go greet people and then when he is done saying hi and sniffing, he will go back to his own thing. Be it laying down with a toy in the house or sniffing around the park. Some dogs feel the need to be in your face 24/7 others are confident and content enough to do their own thing.

I let my dogs off lead in public all the time. I run into other people walking dogs at the park or on a trail and my dogs don't even look at them let alone try a fight. As long as I am interacting with my dogs, they don't look outside what I have them focused on. If I have to walk within 30 feet of a dog or the other dog is loose I leash up my guys to be safe.

 I get the occasional wacko who sees my well behaved dogs and wants his dog to come play with mine. I have to explain to them, I don't let my dogs play with other dogs. My dogs idea of playing may not be your dogs cup of tea. The 2 dogs I run together have never fought but if they did, it would be my own problem. I don't feel the need to go to a dog park and add to the liability by 30. My dog would probably be fine, but why chance the "probably". They are still animals and have urges of  their own. My dog is a very dominant pushy dog and if there is another in the crowd they may have to go at it to decided who was top dog. My female already knows my male runs the show, no fights needed.



by Mystere on 24 March 2008 - 00:03

Sue, You are in the same situation as a lot, if not the majority of people, particularly women, in schutzhund. First, we have "real jobs" that end up "interfering" with training. :-) Then, we have one dog that is with us forever, and maybe get a second one when the first is 6+ or at the Rainbow Bridge. That cuts down on the sheer numbers of different dogs we can title in even a couple of decades. This is in sharp contrast to those who tirain/title professionally, or who don't have "real jobs," so they can play at dog training all day. :-) frankly, even if I had a trust fund, Ild still need more real estate to keep and house more than 2 dogs properly. Just a reality check....

by ramgsd on 24 March 2008 - 00:03

DO RIGHT what rants and raves????????????  I had an issue started with me by another on this board and I spoke the truth.  Again that's 1 person...1 not 2, 3, or 4 like you. We also kept it strictly to our post and didn't let it interfer with anyone else's postings. I don't hunt out every post he makes to start anything with him or down him. Nor he me. You seem to feel that it is OK to hijack anyones thread to further your goal of trashing people you have problems with. So again what RANTS??????? What RAVES????????????? Let's not make false accusations that have no merit. You seem to be good for doing that.

I could understand it if you had a different point of view on the subject and were expressing your viewpoint. You don't do that you just start with the insults and name calling. Things like these give credence to the term UGLY AMERICAN. I am also afraid that actions such as yours will scare off the quality people out there who are looking to get into this breed. Thinking that everyone associated with this breed behaves just like you.


by sueincc on 24 March 2008 - 00:03

WOW FOLKS,  Harry Potter's got nothing on DoRight.  DoRight has SIX MAGICAL SWEATSHIRTS that allow him to take bites from dogs all over his body and not be hurt.  I think we all want some of those MAGIC SWEATSHIRTS, I am pretty sure you could command a high price for those.   Open a booth at the 2008 WUSV championships.  They will fly off the shelves like hot cakes!  Oh the rest of the world is going to be so jealous of you  with your  MAGIC SWEATSHIRTS.

".............II used to be a decent (actually GREAT) agitator(I guess schutzund people call them "helpers"). I volunteered back in 2000 to be attacked by a Cleveland Police canine dog, during a demonstration for the "higher ups", and they were amazed that I did not want to use the sleeve. I just put on six sweatshirts and a jacket, and fed my arm to the dog as it was attacking me from the long send. Wasn't bad at all, and a lot more realistic for the viewers. Back in the day, when I was training for bite work, I rarely used the sleeve (there was that Great Dane that I told you about previously, but I digress). I always let the dogs bite wherever they wanted.  The closest peice of meat. You just had to MAKE SURE, the closest piece of meat wasn't a piece of meat you were fond of ;-), and you had to make sure that the dog knew how to out, before you did that:) I have a high pain threshold, I guess that comes from participating in the threads on this web site :)" (doright)

"By the by.  You really should stop referring to my having been to a schutzhund club only once in my life.  I posted that a year and a half ago, and have attended several times since.  As I told you, II recently purchased a sch III titled dog,  and I did not do so without proper investigation of what the heck I was getting for my money and interest." (doright)


Actually what you said is that you purchased a SchH III CZECH dog.  Congratulations on this purchase!  We would all like to see pictures of this dog.  We would all love to see some pictures of you decoying at the schutzhund club you are now frequenting.  Looking forward to seeing your decoy skills.  We would especially like to see you decoying without a sleeve, just 6 magic sweatshirts. 





by sueincc on 24 March 2008 - 00:03

I know Mystere and I appreciate your saying it.  I keep saying for me and others like me for whom this is a hobby, it's all about the journey.   

Oh and DoRight just so you know, this is my 8th GSD, but only the 3rd I train in schutzhund with.  I have never said anything untrue about myself because unlike you I don't have to make stuff up about myself in order to feel secure. 

by gefauhr on 24 March 2008 - 00:03


Ed has this idea you should never let anyone pet your dog, of course this coming from a guy that "has 30 years experience in working dogs", I have not seen him on the podium lately like in the last 20 years.

Socialization at a schutzhund club is just one example, it like it because it is "fairly safe" compared to other places.  I have socialized my puppys that way since 1989 and have had no issues.  I agree, I do not seek out people to socialize with they can be found readily enough in everyday life if you take the dog out.  I have found so many people leave the dog at home and then expect it to act normal whne it is 2 years old.

by Do right and fear no one on 24 March 2008 - 02:03

ramgsd:  have you forgotten your RANTINGS of racial slurs and such, back when?

You are unbelieveable.

Stay out of my fights.  Don't you have enough business of your own?  You have to get into my business?

by Do right and fear no one on 24 March 2008 - 02:03

suestink:  Yes, I stated that I let the dogs go for the closest piece of meat.  With most dogs that are trained for real attacks and not for sport, this comes natural to them.  I "let them go" for the closest piece of meat but I made sure that the sleeve met them at that spot.  If the dog went for my groin, I fed them the sleeve in front of the groin.  If they went for the thigh, I fed them the sleeve at the thigh.  I do not and did not claim to just let them bite me anywhere they wanted.  Apparently you did not understand, but having never used a sleeve, it stands to reason.

Put on six sweatshirts, any normal sweatshirts, and take a bite on your arm.  Ask your helpers to do it.  It ain't that bad.  If they are any good at being a helper at all, they can and will be able to handle it.  It is more realistic and helps to make a dog a real dog, not a dog biting a toy.

As I said.  I may have been overboard on being macho and showing off to my peers at the time, but several of us did the same thing.  You just don't know.  I ain't that bad.  Only bruises and does not kill you.

Now, if you want to purchase some magic sweatshirts, I would be happy to sell you a dozen.   Whast size do you need, 3X? 

Again, for the umpteenth time, I am perfectly willing to give you a link to the Sch III dog I now own.  Just give me a link to the alleged dog/s you titled.  Now you will have to produce three links.  Wait a minute.  You did not actually say that you TITLED any of them.  Just that you have only trained them:   "but only the 3rd I train in schutzhund with", in schutzhund, noticeably leaving out the word "titled" in your statement.  Changing you story does not rectify a lie Susan Yuck.

Their names please?  There titles earned please?.............................................waiting................................................waiting........

Come back later folks.  This could take awhile.


by KYLE on 24 March 2008 - 02:03

Bancroft good luck. Trafalgar and RamGSD,  I want to buy you folks a couple of drinks and be a fly on the wall.  I want to promote this verbal joust ala Don King style.  Hell I have a new reality show.  Make it along the lines of the show "Big Brother".  Only its folks from this forum.  Twice a day Julie will throw out a question and we get to spy on the melay that erupts from the house mates.

Bancroft you have a clue.  More so than you think.  Use the FORCE!  Just kidding!

Checking out the parents is a great source of potential behavior issues.  If both parents can hang out with out an issue,  no worries Brah!.  If both parents are locked in a garage and you cannot see them.  That's a clue.  If the owner of the dog puts on a hidden sleeve to walk the dog, that is a clue.  If both parents are S.W.A.T. dogs,  thats a clue.

On the other hand check out And Maly Vah (Sp).  This dog is a great example of a well socialized, sch 3, retired police patrol K9, that is a 5 year old young girls best buddy.

In all seriousness its about good breeding, good nerve and good socializing.

Enjoy your new family member.



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