Property does not do that - Page 2

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by Gigante on 12 June 2012 - 01:06


Thats all the respect you two have for the relationship between man and dog, mockery.


Thats sad with almost 4000 post's between you both on a dog forum and thats the best you got? You cant recall a time when a dog showed you more then just being your slave or furniture. Hopefully your opinions can change on these amazing unconditionally loving creatures.

Of course some will go wrong Ninja with the way they are treated. But I believe its your lack of respect and that of others that is the major cause of the problem. We can be horrific stewards of life. But nothing more then property.


Keep tuning in...  hopefully your minds can be changed.

Sometimes just the presence and closeness of their bond are enough to save life's. I personally have heard many similar stories. I have yet to hear a story of a lawn chair doing anything similar.


My dog saved my life

Wyatt is a medium sized dog.  He is a black and white mixed breed.  I adopted him from a shelter when he was a puppy.  Groomers and vets have told me they suspect he is part schnauzer and part terrier.  He loves to eat any kind of food that comes from a noisy bag.  You can even put regular dog food in a rattly bag and he thinks it is a treat.  He is housebroken.  He can sit, lay down, and roll over.  About four years ago, when Wyatt was just 3 years old, I was at a the lowest point I had ever been in my life.  After much anguish and heartache, I had decided to take my own life.

My morning started out just like all my other mornings had been starting out.  Bleak.  I took Wyatt to the vet to get him squared away with vaccinations and stuff so that no one would have to worry about that and so that he would be ok without me for a while.  I came home and played with him a little, we took a nap, and when we woke up, I began to write goodbye letters to family and friends.  I was also to go eat with a friend that evening.  I planned to go eat, and then come home and overdose on all the medication that I had accumulated. 

But Wyatt had other plans for me.  As I was finishing up the last letter, one to my parents, Wyatt began to breathe funny.  He jumped up from his bed and started walking around, looking for his water bowl, and struggling to breathe.  I went and sat down on the floor next to him and noticed that his head had begun to swell.  It was more than 3 times its normal size.  I called the vet who was open late only one night during the week.  Luckily for me it was that night.  He told me that Wyatt was probably having an allergic reaction to a part of his vaccine and that I should bring him in right away.  A friend rushed us to the vet as large red welts began to develop on Wyatt's tummy.  We got there just in time. 

They had to shave Wyatt's legs and start an IV.  It had been an allergic reaction to part of his vaccine.  I loved Wyatt so much and he was the only thing I felt I had at that time and so I was so grateful that they had saved his life.  The vet told me Wyatt was lucky to have such a concerned mom. That made me realize that even though I was at the end of my rope, I still had Wyatt, and he still needed me.  I struggled with depression for a few more months before my life began to turn around.  But I owe my life to Wyatt and I have spent every day since that night trying to show him how special he is to me.


Go view the comments of people with a much deeper appreciation for what dogs have done for there lives and then come back and mock the relationship, if you feel its appropriate.


by Gigante on 12 June 2012 - 01:06

Army ranger 1st Sgt. Will Roberts is saved by his relationship with a dog.

Sgt. Roberts says his new partner in the fight against PTSD has helped him to overcome many of these mental hurdles. That partner is a service dog named R.C., provided by Palmetto Animal Assistance Life Services. Specialized training makes R.C. a four-legged safety net for his partner while the two are out in public.

by 4 mals2sheps on 12 June 2012 - 16:06



by Gigante on 12 June 2012 - 17:06

Thanks 4mals2sheps, I hope people find these as interesting and insightful as I. We all have great stories about some of our amazing 4legged kids, I enjoy reading/watching about other people's experiences as well.

I have not heard of a boerbull, type of mastiff? before I read this one. I added a picture below for anyone else, not the dog in the story. This one has prehistoric look to me, and great eye's. 1/2 Schwarzenegger  1/2 dog


Boerbull saves boy from dog attack
2011-09-21 11:01

Bloemfontein - A boerbull probably saved the life of a 12-year-old boy when it jumped over a fence and attacked a bullterrier that was busy mauling the child, before dragging the dog away.


The boy, Kgotso Seahloli, was transferred to a hospital in Bloemfontein where he had surgery on Tuesday night. A large part of his scalp had completely been torn off, his skull had been pierced and he had bite wounds to his cheeks, upper lip and stomach.


Seahloli, a Grade 6 pupil at Harmony Primary School in Virginia, was on his way home from school in Windsor Road in Harmony when the bullterrier came out of its yard and attacked him.


His father, Moses Seahloli, said the incident happened close to the school and teachers who were called by pupils found Kgotso after the dogs had gone.


“My child is in a lot of pain and badly shocked. He said he thought he was going to get bitten to death. His condition is serious. I am told the other dog saved my child’s life.”


Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Malebo Khosana said the bullterrier was attacked by the boerbull, which jumped over a high fence, when the child screamed. He said the attack on the child happened very close to the home of the bullterrier’s owners.

He said a charge of keeping a dangerous dog was being investigated against the owners. 


The dog was signed over to the SPCA and would be put down.


by Ninja181 on 12 June 2012 - 17:06

Hey Gigante,

I believe the only reason your second post on this thread is still up is because I'm convinced that nowhere in the TOS does it say you can't lie or fabricate things. That's my interpretation, which I am certainly entitled too.


by BabyEagle4U on 12 June 2012 - 17:06

 I disagree with the whole dogs shouldn't be private/personal property arguement. If my dog isn't my property - who's is it ? That's why it's a law for every dog to be licenced by the county, getting your dog licenced by the county is a contract YOU telling the county your dog is YOUR property. That's why the law exists to protect YOU and YOUR property. (not that it constitutional or anything) laugh A little hypicritical from me I know .. but for debate reasons it's worthy. lol

Example : My Farm and Property insurance requires that my dog be licenced, if something happens to my dog and she's not currently licenced (required by county law) when something happens - my insurance will not defend my property/dog in a court of law. Period.

Again, if my dog isn't my property - who's is it ?

If I didn't know anybetter (lol) I'd say *BlowBack* like the dogs below did a thread search on the PDB and was disturbed with all the news of cops killing family pets.

Some here mentioned dogs being a danger to humans .. something came up last night that begs questioning - Police K9's are turning on their handlers. 5-6 cases in the past 2 weeks that we know of. Those of you who train this stuff.. what do you make of it. Honestly.

This is the incident that prompt our research.

after that link .. here's another (take note of details)

.. genetic disorder or no ?

I personally don't think it's a genetic disorder, I think dogs simply will not put up with physical abuse for very long (police or no police) - unlike us humans.


by Gigante on 13 June 2012 - 00:06

Again, if my dog isn't my property - who's is it ?

Some here mentioned dogs being a danger to humans .. something came up last night that begs questioning - Police K9's are turning on their handlers. 5-6 cases in the past 2 weeks that we know of. Those of you who train this stuff.. what do you make of it. Honestly.

I wrestle with your first questions as well, but in classifying them as property their value is no greater then the dollar spent minus depreciation.  That seems demeaning to their true value. If my lazy boy breaks, damn that sucks go get a new one. If my dog dies in real terms that relationship more resembles,, not is, resembles, that of a family member being lost, simply cant be duplicated. I have never loved a lazy boy recliner. Really liked a few though. :)

Look at the uproar created from people when dogs are mistreated. Who care's if you see me beating the knot out of lawn chair. See someone beating a dog and usually action will be taken.


Honestly, I don't have any answers, Im just pointing out that its not an appropriate classification in my opinion. Im open to that discussion. 


I have been following some of those stories as well. Very disturbing. I cant imagine having to put my own dog down like that. Gotta be tough on those officers, not even their property and I would think it still weighs on them.


by BabyEagle4U on 13 June 2012 - 03:06

*That seems demeaning to their true value.*

True value ? Who are you to put value on my dog - or who am I to put value on your dog ? I don't understand your logic. If my dog isn't my property - who's is it ? Without my dog being my personal property and my responsibility, I need to know who I can bill for the teeth cleaning, grooming, feed, tax, tags, titles and fees. Who is responsible for my dog ? (to be clear, I understand what your saying about just a tv remote or lazy boy chair - I just don't see the logic)

For someone to tell me my property isn't worth what I think it's worth - wether it be dollars, brains, mechanics, working ability, couch potatoe whateva .. is wrong.

What exactly do you think dogs should be if not personal property and the responsibility of the owner ? If my dog isn't my property - who's is it ?

Better yet, hypothetically speaking - if a dog isn't personal property and the owners responsibility -

what if, dogs are concidered legal dependents/companions (or whateva you want other than personal property) and that dog dependent/companion runs out to the streets and mauls a child and will not stop. How are we supposed to save that child if the dog is concidered equal in value to that child ? Which should be saved from death gigante ?

Just wondering.


by Gigante on 13 June 2012 - 14:06

In the category property all things have assigned dollar value. Who is kelly bluebook to assign a value on your 98 volvo. Its just property. I nor you care that some person/entity out their who assigns value to every other piece of material you surround yourself with, why must you push back when talking about just another piece of material, your dog. Do you have the same furver (sp?) for kelly? 

They are just wrong as well. To me thats a point.

Name another piece in the category property that has equal value as dog for most people.


Since we get into a semantical issue with words alot on forums, 


Property is any physical or intangible entity that is owned by a person or jointly by a

group of people or a legal entity like acorporation.[citation needed] Depending on the nature of the property, an owner of property has the right to consumesell,rentmortgagetransferexchange or destroy it, or to exclude others from doing these things.


Setting aside the ownership of a sentient being, way to deep for me this morning 

without many more cups of coffee.  


Why cant I consume my dog? Can I go out and destroy my dog because Im tired of feeding it? Why not its my property. 


If its my property then why not everyone meet over my house tonight and I club to death a few of my dogs and we all can enjoy some pero tacos and beer and discuss this further.


You have the responcabilty to care for that which you brought into your life that needs or may need care.. Thats the license. Its not state issued. What comes closesr for most people to the emotional bond with dog is child or family member. Who owns your child?

What license do you have and from where does your license come, that requires you to take care of it and not dispose of it at your leisure?


On your last question about what to do over the mauling. Lets interchange dog with man. If one man is attempting to kill another man and calmer heads arrive who will be re set if necessary. 

Ownership is irrelevant to the question, as poised. Again interchaging, if your brother was bathing in the bath salts and you are unable to remove him from hurting an innocent you put him down, you have to, not because you own him, but because that is the law that feels correct.

Thanks for the brain stretching. 


by BabyEagle4U on 13 June 2012 - 21:06

Yes, I do dislike the Kelly Blue Book (I'm glad you brought that up) if you were around to hear my Dodge truck ordeal with Kelly Blue book price and my insurance payout when a drunk wrecked into it while parked at the market.. you understand. I'll explain alittle. lol

Because of Kelly Blue book my Auto insurance after accident (took my truck and made it illegal for me to take anything out of it) THEN only wanted to pay me 1,300.00 dollars on a commins turbo diesel dual wheel .. I payed 34,000.00 dollars for that truck new in 1997. Just put a brand new motor in it less than a year before drunk wrecked into it. I payed 18,000.00 dollars for the new motor alone .. only had 14,000 miles on the new motor. The body of my truck was mint. I took care of it like family. (LOL)  Kelly Blue book tried phucked me because that's what Auto insurance base payouts on.

That said, if we go about dogs and "true value" like with the Kelly Blue book .. well, WTF.

I eventually got my truck back because it was MY PROPERTY - my Farm and Property insurance fought my Auto Insurance to get my truck back. Finally, the Auto insurance decided to give it up because they wouldn't win in a court of law because it was MY PROPERTY. I changed auto insurance after that.

But ya, I think it's best to keep dogs personal property - like you said above -

Property is any physical or intangible enity that is owned by a person or jointly by a

group of people or a legal entity like a corporation.

Depending on the nature of the property, an owner of property has the right to comsume, rent, mortgage, transfer, exchange or destroy it, or to exclude others from doing these things.

Let me know when I can add my dog, boa's, cat, bird and fish as dependents on my taxes. I'm on my way to That Fish Place now to get another Oscar just incase I can. Ohh wait, my Oscar eats feeder fish by the dozen .. can I still add those feeders as dependents on taxes ? What about the rats for my Boa's ? I think by IRS laws now dependents need to live with the head-of-household for at least 6 month inorder to quality. (lol)

Psst. No thanks. Have a good one.


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