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by GSDtravels on 30 August 2014 - 01:08

And I'd be happy to take you for a ride anytime Gouda!  I do appreciate your sense of humor and your passion, even if I think you could put it to better use :)  Have a good weekend!

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 30 August 2014 - 02:08

The point being Gsd admin: it is about    spiritual difference. Ruger just explained. 

 I also was speaking first hand experience

why do you think I made the remark about Liver.

to Ruger:    Take a triangle. You on one side bottom. Other person on other side bottom. You start out together headed to top of the triangle.     Discord and problems arise and you never get to the top together.  Will not work. One resents 

the other in many things. No middle ground can be found. I made that mistake.  That is why I am getting a puppy. Something to show back the love not found in someone who is not equally  




by Shtal on 30 August 2014 - 04:08

YRose, Shtal, and RS ~ I do understand your comments about "being unequally yoked" with those of different faiths or with no faith. It has always been a "no brainer" in my mind, the difficullty I imagine comes when you find yourself loving someone ( unexpectedly ) that either has a different faith or none at all. I have to wonder at that point what one does in light of scriptures command to "not" be unequally yoked. Spitting out scripture is easy, living it out is indeed more difficult and especially so when the deepest matters of our hearts are involved...


Ruger, a common misconception is that the Christian and 'unbeliever' (such as folks on this site) are on common philosophical ground, but the Christian just believes a few things extra that the professed unbeliever does not believe. If this were the case, it would make perfect sense to try to reason with the professed unbeliever, and present evidence so that they too could use their unaided reason to come to that extra belief. The problem is, the minute you use traditional arguments, you grant that the unbeliever can use logic and reason to assess them. You lend credence to a worldview that does not support logic or reason. The Bible teaches that everyone knows God but those who deny Him are 'suppressing the truth in unrighteousness.' Apologetics is not about giving evidence to the ignorant, but it is about bringing to light the foolishness of suppressing the truth. 'Evidential' arguments end up showing that God 'very likely,' or 'most probably' exists, but they fall short of the biblical teaching that God's existence is inescapable. Still, for Christians, evidential arguments can be wonderful in lending confidence to what they already believe. My favourite evidential argument is the 'Cosmological,' or 'first cause' argument. Basically stated, 'everything which begins to exist, must have a cause.' For arguing that the universe must have began to exist I like the argument of the impossibility of an absolute infinite past. If the universe had an infinite past, we could never have gotten to a 'now. The creation of the universe must have been by an entity which is beyond time, or eternal, exactly how the Bible describes God. Great argument for the Christian folks here on this forum, but not to be used in a way that leaves the professed unbeliever as judge over God.


by Ruger1 on 30 August 2014 - 04:08

YR~~ that's ^ a sad post ,,, :(

"one resents the other is many ways",,,How so? 

"I made that mistake that's why I am getting a puppy.  Something to show back the love not found in someone who is not equally yoked." Are you suggesting that there is no love ( or a lesser love ) to be found between those unequally yoked?  



by Ruger1 on 30 August 2014 - 04:08

Shtal ~~ you know I love you :))) but what in the world does any of that ^^^ have to do with what we are talking about on this thread! On second thought don't explain! Just stay on topic please :))) and be a good sport ;) 

We are discussing *opposites *differences ....related to relationships and such ,,,


by Shtal on 30 August 2014 - 04:08

Okay thank you, sorry....

by vk4gsd on 30 August 2014 - 05:08

Ruger, a common misconception is that the Christian and 'unbeliever' (such as folks on this site) are on common philosophical ground, this is truly a big misconception for sure the Christian just believes a few things extra like, an omni-everything big daddy magic man in the sky that lived for infinty and was uncaused hence not knowing why he exists therfore proving he is not omni-smart eternal punishment for not believing in things there is no evidence for like god, not omni-nice,  and can be beaten in a fight by guys on iron chariots, not omni-powerful as he just was one day got bored after a bunch of his angels decided he was a jerk and bolted, he then spoke the universe into existence but left no evidence that he exists until millions of years later  some guys wrote a book at the first council of nicea a few thousand years (according to the book) after his first two people, actually first whole person, the second came from his rib, they both didn't like god and ate an apple given to them by a talking snake. so he cursed all mankind to suffer until he drowned the earth and beyond. that book has been interpretted into at least 20 000 different religions that all think they have the magic decoder ring from the book of riddles and bronze-age goat herder science, that the professed unbeliever does not believe, of course an unbeliever would not believe, how many believers are unbelievers HUH?. If this were the case, it would make perfect nonsense and it does.  To try to reason with the professed believer, and present evidence so that they too could use their unaided reason to come to that extra belief. The problem is, the minute you use logic, evidence and reason based arguments, you grant that the believer can use logic and reason to assess them. You lend credence to a worldview that does not support logic or reason. The Bible teaches that everyone knows God that happened to be born in the right country that promotes the christian god over the last 2000 years. The millions of years and thousands of cultures that lived before the christian god was invented about three hundred years after after he came as himself as another person who was really himself (god) but also just a man who's existence is historicaally sketchy and was dismissed by his own people the jews, but those who believe in Him are 'suppressing the truth in unrighteousness and BS.' Apologetics is all about giving evidence to the ignorant, also it is about bringing to light the foolishness of suppressing the truth, ie that god is iimaginary. 'Evidential' arguments end up showing that God ' is very unlikely,' or 'most probably' does not exist, but they fall short of  reality by teaching that God's existence is inescapably non-existent. Still, for Christians, evidential arguments can be wonderful in lending confidence to confirm their bias in what they already believe and stop them having to think of the absurdity of it all. My favourite evidential argument is the 'Cosmological,' or 'first cause' argument. Basically stated, 'everything which begins to exist, must have a cause' so for God to exist he must have had a cause ie the catholics wrote a book about him from copies of copies of copies of unknown and undated authors deleting what they did not llike and adding bits that would trick people into beleiving that god exists, at the first council of nicea about 325 after god /jesus got killed by his own people  the jews. For arguing that the universe must have began to exist I like the argument of the possibility of an absolute infinite past. If the universe had an infinite past is not essential to the fact that we have a present. The creation of the universe must could not have been by an entity which is beyond time, because that would make no sense unless that entity is just a figment of the human imagination  or imaginary, exactly how the Bible describes God - imaginary. Great argument for the atheist folks here on this forum, but not to be used in a way that leaves the professed believer as judge over God, because DUH, how can somebody who does not believe in god judge her.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 30 August 2014 - 05:08

This person has no feelings for anything. He faked it for a few weeks but his own kids have revealed his arrogance and non belief has ruined their relationship also.

People tend to shower another with kind words and show of money, security in things, make a case of not wanting to be alone, then they seem to slump back to the same selfish ways before they became a part of your life. THEY sometimes profess to know same faith but donot know about it, nor respect anyone coming in contact with them, making remarks that are all negative.

Soon the beginning of a good thing turns sour. NO person wants rude remarks made, comments downing them, or making attempts to buy them with monitary things but not giving of anything that counts,..Hard to describe people who in words and the fun of the minutes , make other one believe they are interested in their well being and want to spend their lives together...WHEN the reality of new home, new things, new ideas, and old ones are gone, and the criticism comes into play ,one does not want to even get near this kind of person . THE way you avoid conflict is to go about things quietly and do not upset the apple cart.. NOT the way , most of us want to live but in your older years, someone near , with ability to keep nice things in reach and be neat and clean and say some funny things once in a while, you weigh the pros and cons of running away to a safe place where you do not see arguements and anger erupt for no reason..Does that make sense..now...most people who have no want or need to be spiritual , do not like to see you , worshipl, sing or read the BiBLE and take time for others first...THEY do not, and will not , and end up making snide remarks which  , when words tear you down, it makes a negative relationship and turns into dislike.

THEN the blame starts that it is your fault because you ignore them...sure...if you cannot explain without them erupting in an argument immediately , no need to even start the conversation. SO go quietly about things and make nice words and cook nice dinners and eat out and spend the money..  NOT how it is suppose to be. One thing brought to light is that a person who hates him Mother , and has no kind words or emotions of any kind, is hard to live with.

They tend to argue about everything and blame everyone else for things that do not even matter.

At first there were many common things alike, but then when dislike comes about , the common is blinded .

DO You get it now..

My mistake so I live with it.


Red Sable

by Red Sable on 30 August 2014 - 06:08

Ruger, a commom misconception is  that the attraction lasts. uh uh. No,  not true. Once the passion wears off you are left with the things you have in common.  If you both are believers, great, your focus is the same.  If he happens to believe he has evolved from an ape, where as you know you are lovingly made by your creator, you tend to act with moral decency, whereas he reverts to his ape like ways. Drinking, belching, partying all the time as he thinks he can only have fun when running on high octane fuel.  You, on the other hand have your heart set on heavenly things, not temporal things, as you know this life on earth is but a blink in the scheme of things.  He on the other hand has refused to grow up and take responsibiliy, still needs to hang out with the boys instead of doing stuff with you,  of course, which is dang near impossible as you have nothing in common now that the sex has cooled.  You prefer to do things you can do sober, where as he has too be half lit to enjoy himself.  He curses and swears, is into porn, calls you looney for believing in a book that has proven itself to be true by over 300 prophecies being fulfilled and more happening daily as the times you live in are precarious to say the least.  He is in a fantasy world that everything is OK and that nothing is wrong with the world, while you, being a little more on the ball can see how things are spiralling out of control, how the world is becoming a very unsafe, immoral place to live. Anyone with half a brain can see it, except of course the guy you fell for when you were thinking with your hormones instead of your head.


Sorry Ruger, I confess, I was trying to type a bunch of nonsense like VK that goes on forever and ever, but, I admit, he has special talent.  How anyone can ramble on for that long and say nothing has a skill I don't possess.  I admit defeat. Tongue Smile

by vk4gsd on 30 August 2014 - 06:08

"reverts to his ape like ways. Drinking, belching, partying all the time ...."


apes do this?




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