Raw Chicken prices - Page 3

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by Nans gsd on 18 March 2011 - 14:03

Yes Alboe2009;  I am sorry I should have specified innards as the gizzards,heart,neck they come with a whole chicken.  Yes you feed raw as organ meat;  in fact dogs need organ meats, chicken, beef, like beef heart and liver, etc.  Anything you can find or if you want to order from GreenTripe.com that is OK also;  they ship frozen.

To lovejags:  depending on how much your dog weights and their condition;  you will need to feed accordingly.  In othewards if your dog weighs 75 lbs they would receive approximately l-3 lbs of meat per day depending on their activity level, stress level and how they metabolize their food.  I have one male (old boy) I cannot keep weight on and my other 3 I have to watch carefully for gaining too much weight;  and feeding raw they do gain muscle weight.  So a whole chicken an ACTIVE 75 lb dog that gets worked steadily on a regular basis would probably be OK if it is a 3 lb. chicken.  Otherwise I would just cut in half and give organ meats and l/2 chicken.  If you are feeding a litter of puppies say 6 weeks old, 6 puppies I would say a whole chicken would be OK.  Your butcher can cut in half for you also;  if I find them on sale I have the butcher cut in half or even quarters for my guys as I feed twice per day.  If you want to feed once per day the whole chicken could probably be OK depending on size of dog. 

Understand this is RAW only, no cooked bones ever.  BOL  Nan  Sorry to get off topic;  but wanted to be sure to clarify about RAW as much as possible. Nan


by lovejags on 18 March 2011 - 20:03



by lovejags on 20 March 2011 - 05:03

 is it ok to feed just raw boneless chicken breast! with no bones in it at all?

by Nans gsd on 20 March 2011 - 15:03

Yes but you do not get the same advantage as feeding with the bones;  if you need to add more meat to the diet then it would be OK.  Your meat to bone ratio needs to be correct.  I have given meat without bone, chicken & beef & pork but the bone keeps the stools firmer.  Also if you are using precut packaged chicken breasts I would soak them in warm water for l/2 hour or so before feeding,  most companies add too much  sodium/salt to the meats and soaking gets rid of some of it.  BOL  Nan  Any kind of raw meat is OK with or without bones but you need  I think an 80/10/10 ratio for balance.  80% meat, 10% bone; 10% organ meats I believe is the way it goes.  Great Day  Nan


by laura271 on 21 March 2011 - 13:03

What about contacting your local farmer? Much to my in-laws surprise, their best customers are kennel owners (for natural beef). You can also dictate what parts of the cow you get and how it's packaged (want the whole cow ground? sure!). Should be the same for chicken or pork (and eggs too). My friend located a chicken farmer by asking at our local farmer's market.

by HighDesertGSD on 21 March 2011 - 18:03

In the Inland Empire area of South Cal, what are some places to get great prices in boxes of chicken parts?

In the yellow pages, what headline to look for?

by Nans gsd on 23 March 2011 - 21:03

As of yesterday, my chicken quarters went to 65 cents per pound.  I might have to start shopping around.  BOL  Nan


by alboe2009 on 27 March 2011 - 02:03


Forgot about this thread, sorry and hope you or someone knowledgeable reads this. Since joining the PDB I have been on the fence for RAW and was even thinking 50/50. A couple of days before this original thread posting I was cooking a chicken and kept the innards. I said I would cut things into threes and feed my three GSDs and see how they liked it.

Reiker, M, 9 yoa, Anastacia, F, 2 yoa and Arabella, F 8 mos. I cut everything into threes and fed them. The next day, (and I wasn't there) all dogs were shitting and puking! There were doing one as fast as doing the other! Now as soon as I came home and as soon as I entered the house.........What a smell.. what a mess! And the poor babies. Everyone sick and looking at me with SAD eyes. So I boiled some rice and everyone got 2 cups and no other food for a day. All better, but man don't think I can take that chance again!?

by Nans gsd on 27 March 2011 - 15:03

OH Alboe:  so sorry, you need to start them out slowly on any ORGAN meats, chicken, beef, pork, it does not matter,  they are very very rich.  Only a small amount to start then increase to whatever amounts you want them to have.  I have had a few times that something hasn't worked with my guys and here is what I do.  If I try something new, only a small amount and only in the AM when I can watch them for the day.  Then their usual food at night.  I start anything new very slowly especially organ meats;  now they can almost eat anything and variety is good.  But at first, liver, especially beef mine had the runs.  Poor dogs,  and yes it can really make a mess.  That is why you feed a certain amount of raw bone with any raw diet as it keeps the stool firm. and any cooking changes the molecular structure of the meats;  any meat.  Best of luck  Nan


by alboe2009 on 28 March 2011 - 01:03

Man, I figured everything divided by three was a "small amount" enough? Hmnnnn? Have to rethink. DEFEINATELY can't go through that again. Thanks. 


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