Ruger, a few questions for you... - Page 2

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by gouda on 13 October 2014 - 01:10


Reggie I know you said good things about me,but I must still listen to the holy spirit.

I believe you are a threat to baby Christians that dont know the bible,the word of God.

Ruger1 I know exactly what went on behind the scene with you and  Carlin,I was warned by a person that posts here.

Im still here,Carlin is not.



GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 13 October 2014 - 01:10

Well he does believe he is the watchman. He also believes that preaching on the streets to strangers is perfectly fine and he has no problem telling people they are going to hell if they do not believe in what he says. So, when people say Christians don't do those things, they have never met the watchman.

The thing with watchmen is their time usually runs out, his is ticking away rapidly to find out what happens to false prophets.

John, tick tock, John ran up against the clock while trying to gather his flock, instead of being the watchman he became the watch out for man! Poor John now must come on forums to gather his flock, tick, tock the time is speeding by to finally meet his false prophet shock.

Da End!

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 13 October 2014 - 01:10

Was THAT necessary   GSDadmin..YOU are mocking him...YOU are an admins..

I believe Reggie can answer him since it was to Reggie and not to us or you...




by gouda on 13 October 2014 - 01:10


Yes my time is running out,getting old. My run so far has lasted close to fifty years.

I;ll fight the good fight till the day die. Statements like yours make me laugh.

I'll witness to anyone one dont matter where,Im not ashamed of my Lord and Saviour.

Good night my friend



GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 13 October 2014 - 01:10

Even to those who tell you they don't want to hear, huh John?

YR, you are pretty almighty considering what you did to me.


by 1Ruger1 on 13 October 2014 - 01:10

Gouda~ yes,  you are here by choice and he is not, by his choice. That has nothing to do with anything being discussed here. Mind your own business about what happens " behind" the scenes. Assuming will make you look foolish.

Yr ~~ Yes, it is necessary for admin to comment as such, Gouda begs for it by the way he behaves. Admins and mods have a right to their opinions too jmo.'



by vk4gsd on 13 October 2014 - 01:10

in the last hour how many innocents have been killed in a vehicle accident, stood on a 20yo land mine left behing by xian countries, been exposed to depleted uranium, got blown up in collateral fire, drowned, burned, poisoned, murdered, raped, beaten.... but god did not bother to warn them cos it was busy reading the OT forum on the PDB and speaking directly to the watchmen in canada  warning about some guy called reggie.


by 1Ruger1 on 13 October 2014 - 01:10

You claim that not only your, but our morality must only come from a higher place and without it, we'd just be wild animals, basically. ~~ I never said anything of wild animals, but if you are saying that the only way for us to be "morally" acceptable is through the work of Christ then I agree. 

 So, how do we judge what is morally correct when we know what suffering is and we know the consequences of imposing suffering on others, through empathy, and yet, in our understanding of empathy toward others, "God" seems to do the polar opposite?  And the only excuse for it, being that "He" is omnibenevolent is, "We can never know the mind of God!"  And yet, on any given topic, you know the mind of God?  ~~ I know the mind of God, in as much as He has chosen to reveal that through His word. Past that, I do not, and have not claimed to know anything of the mind of a God 

You name attributes, admit that there are things contrary to said attributes, yet still claim "He" possesses them and we can't understand why he doesn't follow them???? ~~  Please give me an example of the said "contrary attributes" that I mentioned. What I will support is that when God ordains even that which to us **seems inconsistent with the way we perceive right and wrong, God is always just in His actions. The reason is because He is God, and has the rightful place to do that which He sees fit with what He has created, to bring about His will. I know you won't like this answer, but it is something you accept or don't. It has been said a million other times, that without faith it is impossible to believe such things much less accept them. 

How in Hell did anybody ever get anybody else to swallow that???  You either know "Him" or you don't!  If you can't know Him, you can't know Him.  Right?  Now, if that comes from God, why does this God seem to go competely against this and actually require suffering for, obviously, some more than others, if he actually possesses all of the qualities which you profess "Him" to have? ~~~ Even a parent does bring about that which is unpleasant and at times uncomfortable actions towards their children. We administer discipline, take them for immunizations, restrict them, etc. To them it appears "mean" however we do that which we know is in their best interests.   

Omniscience, omnibenevolence, omnipotence, specifically.  And yet, you dismiss the unimaginable pain and torture of a select few people in this world who never make it much past babyhood and you simply dismiss this by stating that his motives are "unknowable"?  ~~ There is a distinct difference in what God "allows" and what God " does" ,,, Where one ends and the other begins is difficult to distinguish , but we know that all things are within Gods sovereign control. It is hard to accept in light of our human perception to suffering. 

You allow your beliefs to impose rules that are contrary to human nature and then turn around and punish you for that very nature and then, convince you that it's okay because your nature is understood, but you can impose these same rules, that you yourself admit are impossible to follow, on those who do not share your beliefs? ~~ Not exactly clear on your point, but I impose nothing on anyone. God has a standard and that standard can be satisfied through Christ's atonement.  We need Christ's atonement because we are inherently enemies of God, God haters, and unable due to desire and ability, to meet His holy standard. 

And you seriously think atheists need medication? ~~ Is this about Joanro? Lol  I think 75% of people need medication, myself included :))) 


GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 13 October 2014 - 01:10

To the last point, 75% needing medication. I disagree. Mental meds only mask the problems and never heal a thing. I think deep understanding of yourselves serves a better way to self improvement, IMO. Some do need medication but not 75%.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 13 October 2014 - 02:10

I actually was trying to be funny. I guess I failed at humor. I mean John no harm at all we are actually friendly to each other in PMs. BTW - the time running out had nothing to do with his age and all to do with the false prophecy, I can't help you didn't get it.


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