Realistic time frame for titling a dog - Page 3

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by vk4gsd on 25 January 2017 - 21:01

OT, does anyone know the name of the euro org that puts on PPD trials?

I have watched their clips, lots of bull dogs attend and herders with IPO titles, service dogs....

The UK also has a legit security dog qualification.

by Bavarian Wagon on 25 January 2017 - 21:01

Why the personal attacks? My god people...keep it to the dog.

Answer the question Jen...why was the dog never shown in the United States if it was trained to such a high level? If the dog was that amazing, it makes ABSOLUTELY ZERO sense to never show him again. Why buy such an amazing specimen, with such great training, and never show him in order to get more breedings? Make that hypothetical and not just about this dog and man that you've clearly got some special feelings for. I don't even care that Mithuna is referring to a particular dog. The way the facts have been laid out...99% of the time...the dog did get gifted points. I'm not saying it was gifted points to get it from failing to a 288...but I can guarantee you that 99% of the time, it's not as perfect as it needs to be to get a 288...and in such a short period, and also before he's 2.

Jesus...we can rip apart any dog we don't know or have a personal love connection to...people will talk mounds of crap about a dog from before 1980 or even a current dog that no one has any real connection to. The moment you bring up that objectively looking at the stated facts points to easily making certain assumptions...the world is over and we start getting personal because we can't possibly come up with a legitimate rebuttal.

by vk4gsd on 25 January 2017 - 21:01

Talking to importers about their super titled young dog is like talking to bodybuilders about steroid use.

Things escalate quickly.

by duke1965 on 25 January 2017 - 21:01

hardly any famous dog sold to USA will be trailed again, but only breed, I know of a dog sold to Australia for a lot of money that they took to a breedservay again in Australia, after he was done in Germany, nothing good came from that,
and furthermore who gives a ...... if a dog gets 288 on a WUSV or FCI, its traininglabour and situation of the day so only handful dogs per year do it, the rest of the world is happy with their scores on regional or clublevel


by Jenni78 on 25 January 2017 - 21:01

Personal attacks, BW? You attack everyone and every dog with no information. No one is attacking you. They're just saying you're incorrect. That's a huge distinction.

I did answer your question. I said he was an older guy when he bought the dog. Silly me, I thought being in your 70's with 2 heart attacks under your belt and being so pieced together knees to back that you have to sleep in a chair was a good enough reason to choose to keep a nice dog for yourself and not feel "obligated" to "prove it" to some 20-something on the Internet who won't post his real name (generalizing about your type, BW, not specifically about you.) How's that for a run-on sentence? What if his owner didn't really want to breed him to outside females? What if he bought him just for himself to enjoy? Foreign idea to you?

LOTs of people don't feel the need to continue to campaign dogs once they get them titled. That's neither here nor there and has little to do with the dog. Not campaigning and competing with a dog doesn't take a single thing away from their accomplishments except to YOU. We know you think regardless of what someone has already done, they need to start from scratch to prove it to the younguns'. You're the only person I've ever come across who thinks winning at a national and world level doesn't count if it was more than a couple years ago, lol. Whether the dog gets trialed 10x or once is more about the handler than the dog, often.

I've invited you a few times, now, BW, to come over and train or test my dogs when you've expressed curiosity, skepticism, or disapproval . You say you live near me, you admit we know some of the same people...yet you refuse to give any hint as to who you are. But, you think you're in a position to criticize or second-guess people with real identities and accomplishments. That's obnoxious and that's what people object to. I wish he were here to read this. It would be a thread to remember :D

by Bavarian Wagon on 25 January 2017 - 22:01

So wait...I'll quote you "Let me guess- you're single, BW? :D Certainly no one could be good enough if you keep this view of the world in your personal life as well! ;-)" Isn't a personal attack? You're saying no one could possibly want to be with me because of my view of the 288 that a dog got once? I see...I guess you'd have no issue if I reached into your personal life and started making assumptions about you as well? Or made assumptions about your personal life based on what you post here?

You need to remember I'm criticizing a HYPOTHETICAL dog...mithuna asked about a HYPOTHETICAL dog. I have no idea who this dog is, what he accomplished, or who his owner was. Based on the facts given (by less biased people) I'd question the 288 this dog got.

You're clearly too emotional about this to stay objective about the facts. I believe you about the dog you are talking about. I don't know the dog. You haven't named the dog. You just keep speaking in abstract until you need to prove a point in which case you speak about a particular dog but don't give any information about the dog for others to be able to substantiate.

In regards to your invites...I'll see you at our regional training day. Not all training has to come to your door step. The region gets together once or twice a year and trains...there's actually an indoor training opportunity coming up in a few weeks...will you be there? Will you be at the summer training day? Will you be at the regional championship itself? If you had been at the last 2 training days or regional championships, I would've already had the opportunity to work your dogs and you would've been able to see mine.


And duke...yes...the famous ones don't get shown again. Those that competed at the BSP or the WUSV, they have no where else higher to prove themselves. Dogs that are titled at a local level are not the famous ones, they still need to compete to show what they've got. LGA, BSP, WUSV all come with videos of the performance...local trials, not so much.

by Ragnarok2 on 25 January 2017 - 23:01

Name of the dog was posted on another thread, by Mithuna.


by Jenni78 on 25 January 2017 - 23:01

No, BW, you misunderstood my comment. I was joking, hence the wink face, about my "Let me guess, you're single?" I also stated that it would be YOU that was impossible to please, not that someone else wouldn't like you, due to your extreme pessimism and never-ending "not good enough" take on about just about everything. Come on now, be reasonable. Read what I wrote. Obvious joke. I don't think I'm the one being emotional. I wasn't "attacking" you at all. Just teasing.

I will continue to defend a dead friend from unfounded attacks.

BW, I'm not THAT curious about who you are. My point was that if *you* are the one with all the doubts and skepticism then *you* are welcome to come see for yourself. You ridicule just about everyone who is interested in anything different. I only offered because you said you're close and I'm perfectly satisfied with what I have and feel no need to go out of my way to prove anything to anonymous forum persons. You've asked about dogs, so I offered to show you. No big deal. I don't concern myself with your dogs, do I? Come on over. That's what most people do when they want to see what kind of dogs someone keeps. Or, even easier, if you know we already have been to the same events as you say, and you know the same people, just be normal and introduce yourself next time. ;-)

by Bavarian Wagon on 26 January 2017 - 02:01

So have the dog? This is your dog?

You haven't been at those events or I would've happily introduced myself. If you had been at the'd know who I was, it's easy to tell. don't usually come over to other people's houses to see dogs. Most people go to clubs and get out to training days or what not. I don't think anyone goes around to people's homes to see their dogs on a regular basis. You know where else people see dogs? Out on the trial field...trialing. But you've made it clear that you're quite against that. If this is your dog, and he scored 288 at a trial, I'm a little surprised you haven't shown him at any one of our regionals over the last few years, you would've easily competed, easily gotten more people interested in your dog, your kennel, but what do I know? I guess the people you know only advertise their dogs by inviting people over to their homes and working them on their home helpers.


by Jenni78 on 26 January 2017 - 03:01

No way do I believe your intentionally obtuse rebuttal. I don't even think you expected me to. It's so bizarre it's barely intelligible.


How would I know who you are at an event if I don't know who you are?!  You already acknowledged we'd been at the same events. Normal people introduce themselves. Then again, normal people don't go around judging EVERYone and refusing to even mention their own name, any of their dogs' names, their BUSINESS (which they claim is dogs) and then expect to be taken seriously as the ultimate authority on all things GSD.


Also, people who want to ask pointed, accusatory questions and goad others constantly *might* accept invitations to come see them if they were genuinely interested and in the area, and not merely trolling for a forum fight. I offered that only AFTER you were asking questions but refusing to tell me who you are, where you train, who you train with, etc. So, where should I go to prove to you, Almighty One, that my dogs aren't terrible (if I were interested in proving such a thing to anonymous entities) when you won't divulge anything? I jokingly even said you could wear a mask and come to my house if you were really curious about the dogs you were asking about. Let's be honest about where that idea of coming to the house came from.


You said you have a training business. I asked what the name of it was and where, since I often get people asking for trainers. You declined to answer. When someone genuinely wants to see a dog work and they aren't qualified to decoy/test for themselves, I take the dog to someone experienced and pay an experienced decoy to work the dog. That way, the dog is not at home, the dog does not know the person, and I worry less about some newb breaking my dog's neck. Simple. But I don't do that for nameless folks. I do that for genuinely interested parties. Why? Because I, Jennifer (real legal name!), have not a thing to hide and am not embarrassed of my dogs. Plenty of people have met me and my dogs. I am not that exciting that I have to be a secret. I am not mystical or mysterious. I even told you who had worked them that you could ask, in response to YOUR questions, but you seemed not to get along with those folks, either.


Look, it's no secret that if you weren't totally secretive, you'd not be able to keep up this Internet persona because no real person can get away with being obnoxious to everyone all the time and not end up with a black eye now and then. I'm totally cool with that. And telling us who you are would likely ruin your street cred as the Almighty Source of All Knowledge GSD. The only thing I can think of is that you were previously banned on here and also that you don't have nearly the experience you purport. If you did, you'd be only too eager to tell us morons your identity and how you know you're so superior. Now, don't get all upset, BW. Just having a little fun- you've dished plenty out. Time to take a little back.


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