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Siblings list for LT-BY JCH; LT CH Goya Kabri
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: FRAJDA Cordis and father: Zorro Ekland
Mother: HEAVEN PRINCESS Veckarott and father: Zorro Ekland
Mother: Imperatriza iz Doma Torra and father: Zorro Ekland
Mother: Janis vom Quercus Wald and father: Zorro Ekland
Mother: Karla Kabri and father: Zorro Ekland
Mother: Mamba Gero- Dogs and father: Zorro Ekland
Mother: Myna Blackrosesrot and father: Zorro Ekland
Mother: OTTAWA CHANDER TAI FOKSTROTAS and father: Zorro Ekland
Mother: Paris Kabri and father: Zorro Ekland
Mother: SHAKIRA MUMLEK and father: Zorro Ekland
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