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by MAINLYMAX on 29 March 2011 - 17:03

speaking in tongues for stevie1.......*&^%$)@#$%$)(*&^**(!!!!


by sueincc on 29 March 2011 - 17:03

eh... Com si, Com sa, Max.  You don't feel the same way about Maggie as the rest of us, so now because you don't get your way about it, since we are not rolling over and making nice like you want, so maybe out of frustration you are resorting to calling the rest of us names.  You might want to double check that vineyard of yours, sounds like it's putting out some awfully sour grapes.

Max whether you want to call me names or not, I am not going to reciprocate, because you are not Maggie, and unlike her you haven't  constantly berated  the membership for years.  I think this has become a dead issue, since even Maggie isn't responding on this thread  anymore, maybe it's time to just agree to disagree? 



by MAINLYMAX on 29 March 2011 - 18:03


            I not asking anyone to roll over,.... that is sooo.... not me.  It's the group thing

I think is cowardly....It's  like.... either I hate Maggie like the rest of you or you won't

be my friends......Here's the thing.... and I really hope everybody gets this point........

I .....don't......hate.....anybody!.........and as group you are behaving worst than

Maggie in the berating department. I mean people can trade insults all day, but no

one is perfect.....the ones that have their nose's in the air, are the ones that come in last.

Not something I read in a book, but life has taught me this.



by MAINLYMAX on 29 March 2011 - 18:03


          Us????the membership???? stand on your own two feet. If someone insults you from out

of the blue like you just did. .....It is probably a group thing of cowards. ....You know.... butt holes.

Sock Puppet

by Sock Puppet on 29 March 2011 - 18:03

Maxi the ones who have their noses in the air, have proven they always come in last. 

Falsely accusing someone of hacking a website is a serious thing. 

Starting a smear campaign against someone to try and get them kicked off a site is bullshit. So what is your problem with groups. it looks like you are being very hypocritical. Groups. LOL. Sure Maxi.

This was a concerted effort amongst a group on this website. Most members of this group, have never been named publicly on this forum, only the ones who took an active public role are known.

Believe me there are others who were more involved in this group, but they choose to remain in the background so they could uphold their Christian values. LOL. I mean hypocritical Christian values.

I know all about these coward group things (see the false hacking incident). You know Maxi--assholes.

Funny how you were not after that group at that time, now isn't Maxi? Do you pick groups or are you just hypocritical?

See Maxi, I have also learned something not in a book. 

2 or 3 wrongs never make a right.  



by Bob McKown on 29 March 2011 - 18:03

NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Horny whale bites the end off a submarine and sucked out all the seaman??. Shadowy group on PDB plotting take over. more news at 11:00 now back to you Rhonda the weather girl!.


by MAINLYMAX on 29 March 2011 - 19:03


          You will never admit that these same people were the ones that went after you

with 2 exceptions.. me and Jim....Bob remained neutral.....But when you were vindicated

Everybody said I was  behind you all the time SP.....Than rumors that you were Oli in disguise.

I ignored them....

The name is Max....don't try to bitch me out...... you little Wiesel.


by sueincc on 29 March 2011 - 19:03

Bullshit Max.  Let me be very clear:

#1.  The "US" I refer to are those of US you now choose to call names just because "WE" don't agree with YOU,   even though you have no clue what you are talking about because YOU were not here and did not witness what happened.    In fact the conclusions "I reached about Maggie were based on MY own personal experiences with her.  What WE refuse to do is  allow YOU,  especially someone who wasn't involved, to tell US what to do, how to think, or how to act, which apparently very much sticks in your craw, hence those sour grapes you appear to be cultivating in your vineyard.

#2.  I have never tried to tell you how to think or act, in fact quite the opposite, I have bent over backwards to be sure and remind you time and time again that  I don't care what side of the issue you fall on, I couldn't care less whether or not you like Maggie.  YOU are the one passing judgment on US, and YOU accuse US of behaving worse than Maggie, which is actually hysterically funny since YOU  weren't here and have no clue what YOU  are talking about. 

Too bad YOU don't afford me the same courtesy I afford YOU, but that's YOUR problem, not MINE.


by MAINLYMAX on 29 March 2011 - 19:03


I don't call anyone a name unless they start first.....and even than I usually let it go.

Its the gang mentality that is at issue  ......The other people are the name callers,.. I am

just returning  fire....thats the rules of engagement .... You mess with the bull, you get the horn.

I have things I to take care of ...... you all talk among yourselves....If you start on Max , you better

pack a lunch...its going to be a long day.

Sock Puppet

by Sock Puppet on 29 March 2011 - 19:03


Why try to blame one group? Why play one group? 

If you are against groups then be against them all, otherwise you are a hypocrite.

Did you mean weasel? If you did, please don't try and weasel your way out of being a massive HYPOCRITE.  LOL


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