If anyone has a question about Bible. - Page 2

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by gouda on 07 March 2011 - 23:03

Good evening Bob.In Micah 5:2  Micah named the village of Bethlehem as the birth place of Jesus.
This was about sen hundred years before it occured . Did God tell him that,or did Micah himself make this up?
Bob did this come true?. 


by Bob McKown on 08 March 2011 - 00:03


                And our histroy books showed originally the Indianas as savages with no souls but as we know know they were far more spiritual the those that destroyed them.

History is all in the story teller.


by gouda on 08 March 2011 - 01:03

Hi Bob.

Please reply to my previous post....



by gouda on 08 March 2011 - 01:03

Hi  again Bob

Could you please show me in the written word of God  where it states that Indians are with out souls.
The Bible is the inspired word of God.,YOU WONT FIND IT IN THERE.


by beetree on 08 March 2011 - 01:03

Gouda, he is saying, IMHO, what if  the men who wrote the Bible made a few things up to fit what happened? Even if it is for a good cause!


by gouda on 08 March 2011 - 01:03

Hi beetree

Would God have chosen men to bring forth His Revelation who would make thing up?


by beetree on 08 March 2011 - 01:03

Even asking me if I can fathom the mind of God is a trick question!


by MarineMom on 08 March 2011 - 04:03

PDB Crew,

This may help some .  Here is the name of  a historian during the time of Jesus that also documented many things that he had first hand knowledge of through personal witness or speaking with the the Disciples .Josephus Flavius, he basically was an observer for historical purpose.  He was not looking to follow Jesus, just to document durin his own time.  Much of the writings by Josephus Flavius corroborates with the passages in the Bible.  I have attached a link of Flavius take on Jesus and posted excerpts below.



Excerpts below are from Wikipedia:

Josephus (37 – c.100 CE),[2] also Yoseph Ben Mattithyahu in Biblical Hebrew (Joseph son of Matthias) and Titus Flavius Josephus[3] was a 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian and hagiographer of priestly and royal ancestry who recorded Jewish history, with special emphasis on the 1st century CE and the First Jewish–Roman War which resulted in the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. He has been credited by many as recording some of the earliest history of Jesus Christ outside of the gospels,[4] this being an item of contention among historians.

Josephus was a law-observant Jew who believed in the compatibility of Judaism and Graeco-Roman thought, commonly referred to as Hellenistic Judaism. His most important works were The Jewish War (c. 75 CE) and Antiquities of the Jews (c. 94 CE).[5] The Jewish War recounts the Jewish revolt against Roman occupation (66–70). Antiquities of the Jews recounts the history of the world from a Jewish perspective for a Roman audience. These works provide valuable insight into 1st century Judaism and the background of Early Christianity.[5]

The works of Josephus provide crucial information about the First Jewish-Roman War and are also important literary source material for understanding the context of the Dead Sea Scrolls and late Temple Judaism.

Josephus includes information about individuals, groups, customs and geographical places. Some of these, such as the city of Seron, are not referenced in the surviving texts of any other ancient authority. His writings provide a significant, extra-Biblical account of the post-Exilic period of the Maccabees, the Hasmonean dynasty, and the rise of Herod the Great. He makes references to the Sadducees, Jewish High Priests of the time, Pharisees and Essenes, the Herodian Temple, Quirinius' census and the Zealots, and to such figures as Pontius Pilate, Herod the Great, Agrippa I and Agrippa II, John the Baptist, James the brother of Jesus, and a disputed reference to Jesus (for more see Josephus on Jesus). He is an important source for studies of immediate post-Temple Judaism and the context of early Christianity.


by Shtal on 08 March 2011 - 06:03

Bob McKown wrote: (I just don,t find the bible to be the word of god.)

Shtal respond: Do you believe that their is God who created everything?


by Shtal on 08 March 2011 - 06:03

gouda wrote, What are your beliefs ?.

Shtal respond: Pentecostal.


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