What do you consider "warning signs" when looking for a breeder? - Page 2

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by Jenni78 on 21 October 2015 - 01:10

I recently had the pleasure of driving 13 hours to go get one of my dogs who was left with his fiancee while the owner was away on a job. Owner didn't even know the dog was missing and was not reachable. "Fiancee" watching dog got scared, apparently, and didn't report her missing..... FOR TWO WEEKS while she dumpster dove to survive. Thank goodness she was recognized for what she was by...get this...a WL GSD breeder's kid who was a cop and they went the extra mile to really investigate the chip and trace it back to me.

Had the owner only had multiple contacts for THEM on it and none for a true alternate outside the normal friends and family,(ie, me) Lord knows what could have happened to her, because they all thought the dog was safe and sound elsewhere. She was still lying about her being there and fine after I had possession of her. INSANE.

So anyway, point is, I don't care if someone has 15 phone numbers on their chip! I don't think it's that much to ask that mine remain just one of them. I put a lot of heart and soul into these pups and can't help but feel they are always going to be just a little bit "mine" and my responsibility. That is my reasoning for not liking to ship outside N. America, as well; I need to be able to go get them if need be. And you just never know what crazy circumstances could happen. The owner drove to pick her up from me when she was a pup- not at all an irresponsible type you'd expect that to happen to.

Q Man

by Q Man on 21 October 2015 - 14:10

I've never really sat down and thought about what I want or expect out of a breeder...But...Now thinking about it there are a number of things that I do want...Expect?...Not sure...because all things can and do change...
Expectations are different when looking for a puppy/dog differently...What I mean is are you looking at breeders within driving distance of you or are you looking at a breeding in a different country and you're not going to go there...
No matter how you're going to do it...I always start off by Calling or E-Mailing them...If I E-Mail then...if interested...I will follow it up with a phone call and I want to talk to the breeder...I want to talk to them extensively...One of the questions that a Working Line Dog person asks is about "Ball Drive"...Now I've learned everyone talks differently about this...What and How do they say it doesn't always tell you what you want to know...This is where I want to see the puppy/dog for myself or have a trusted person observe the puppy/dog for me...Everyone uses the term "Ball Drive" differently and mean something differently...

As a breeder/trainer...If someone wants to come over to see my puppies/dogs then I expect an appointment...Only so I'm there for sure and I can at least try to clean up my kennel so they can see it...My kennel is a Working Dog Kennel and is cleaned multiple times in a day...But...It can still be or get dirty quickly...

I don't mind people coming and seeing my kennel but I don't like people who just walk into my kennel without asking first...If you're not supervised then one of my dogs can reach through their Runs and bite someone...People aren't too trustworthy when it comes to being around new/strange dogs...

I have a pet peeve about this Limited Registration thing...I believe when you buy one of my dogs they are yours...I give Full Registration and I even ask if they want a Micro-Chip...Some people don't like them although I try to convince owners to get it...it can save your dog's life...
So many people use the "Limited Registration" thing to get more money or as so many AKC Show People do...they don't want their puppies to grow up and used for breeding to compete against them...I think this is silly and as a breeder of Working German Shepherds I'd be proud to see one of my puppies grow up and not only get titled but to compete a higher levels...

When looking for a puppy I have learned that I have a rule and that is..."I Will Not Take A Puppy Home With Me Right Then"...I will go and see the puppies...get a good idea of what I like and don't like...then go home...think about it...Hopefully talk to some experienced people...Then make up my mind in a day or two...

I also don't like breeders that have a litter...then demand a Deposit (which I have no problem with taking a Deposit) but say the Deposit is NOT REFUNDABLE...I ONLY want a Deposit so I know the potential buyer is serious...I don't keep a Deposit if the puppy/dog isn't bought...(except in REALLY extending circumstances)

I will also say one thing that I tell every new German Shepherd or any breed...prospective owner...and that is to bring along an experienced person with you so they can help you with any questions you might have...You should be able to trust the breeder but they will look at it from their perspective...


Q Man

by Q Man on 21 October 2015 - 14:10

Sorry for such a "Long Winded" Post but this isn't an easy question to answer...Because you can't offer "Experience" thru the internet...You can offer suggestions but not experience...

This is one reason why you can use a "broker"...They have Contacts and Experience...


by Pirschgang on 21 October 2015 - 14:10

"Why did you decide to breed these two dogs?"
"Because I know my dogs."

Moving on to another breeder.

by GSDmadness on 22 October 2015 - 15:10

Import to import, no videos of the imports working, people in their twenties, advertising "fad lines only" the breeder has never titled a dog, breeder has been around for years and you cannot find anything past F1 off imports.


by bubbabooboo on 22 October 2015 - 21:10

A good breeder will have several generations from his/her own lines to show you. Import breeders who import dogs, breed them until they can't reproduce, and then import some new ones in order to sell you 8 week old puppies never know what they are selling. In order for a breeder to be competent they need to know their lines back several generations and have experience with at least three generation in their own kennel. Excellent nutrition for the dogs in the breeder's kennel and keeping pups to advanced ages or adulthood is how the breeder starts to learn to read genetics correctly. I can see the characteristics of the mother and father present in some three year old dogs that I raised from birth. I raised an entire litter of 8 together until they were two years old and I keep up with the entire litter as they age. They are now over three and their personalities and mental strengths are just now fully developed. When a breeder can look at a young dog from his/her lines and see that dog's parents, grandparents, and great grandparents at that same age based on their experience then they may be worthy of being called a breeder. I have no dogs to sell and based on my experience most buyers are not worthy of the dogs they get. A good breeder would rather give his dog to a good home with a chance of a good life and proper nutrition than sell the dog to a rich butt who will never deserve the dog or do anything to make the dog happy. So breeders all about the money, titles, and their reputation should be viewed with a critical eye.


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