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by raymond on 20 August 2010 - 21:08

Oh VM this is a dog board we do not need  your prattle !


by Ninja181 on 20 August 2010 - 22:08

"Nona -- ignore her remarks. Jealous people say desperate things."

"No, Raymond, please don't. It is his life; his choice."

So Maggs is directing the troops. You privates have your orders. Don't forget to salute the "queen of venom".


by nonacona60 on 20 August 2010 - 22:08

Ninja, you would know what it means to be a follower wouldn't you......You know nothing about me, because if you did, you would surely know, I make my own decisions and do not need anyone telling me what to do...

I do agree with Maggie about jealous people say desperate things...However, I did not take it as Bee in the Tree was talking to me in her post under my last reply above......But than again, who knows, she does say "OFF the WALL SH-t" thats makes no sense....

I also do not think Maggie is trying to control anyone or has "privates" as you said...Maybe if you would have an open mind about what people write you would have understood it to mean she was suggesting not to start up anything again....Not all people look for ways to twist words to cause an argument.....


by raymond on 20 August 2010 - 22:08

this weekend it is a trial and I know nothing  about this luny bin! Ninja would you cover for me? I know you are extremly capable and will do me proud!


by Ninja181 on 20 August 2010 - 22:08

What ever interpretation helps you cope Ray. I said order, you said advice, whatever.

The bottom line is you both obeyed. How convenient.


by Myracle on 20 August 2010 - 22:08

Huh?  The truce is over?

I seem to recall having apologized to you, twice now, on two other threads.
I even went so far as to attempt removing an offensive picture, only to find the entire thread gone.

Just one of them:
No, the picture of my son says nothing demeaning about God.
It refers to the need by *some* of His people, to defend Him, as though He needs defending.

I never claimed to have been a perfect angel. I readily admit I've said offensive, crude things.
The difference is, I don't start entire threads dedicated to pointing out the flaws in others. I have only ever responded to what others have said.

We could dispute the translations all day, and never come to an agreement. I've chosen to trust my Rabbi's interpretation, and the whole of my faith's interpretation, of the Torah. You've chosen to accept a different interpretation, and that's fine.

I readily apologize for any personal insults I've made against or in reference to, you, Raymond.
I find nothing wrong with disagreeing with your position, I had no qualms with you disagreeing with mine, until you began insisting upon referring to me with female pronouns. My synagogue recognizes me as a man named Aaron, and its insulting and pejorative to call me otherwise. It never became personal until you insisted on attacking me in that manner.

If you can leave my son and my partner out of it, and refer to me correctly as he/him/his, Aaron/Mudwick/Guy/etc, I am more than happy to simply drop the entire discussion of what the Bible may or may not say, and leave you to your own devices.

Since you did, in fact, apologize already for bringing my son into the fray, I will try to go back and find the offensive picture of Christ, and remove it.

As far as I'm concerned, the truce is in effect, forever.
Aside from instances when I am referred to as a gender I am not, or by a name that isn't mine, or my family is mentioned where there is no call to mention them, I have no intention of engaging in anything other than polite, civil banter about dogs and other friendly subjects that may arise, Raymond.


by raymond on 20 August 2010 - 22:08

Oh I see you to have that confusuion bug! No I did not order or advise I simply ask you to cover for me this weekend1 You know from on asshole to another will ya?????? I love you brodder!

by beetree on 20 August 2010 - 22:08

Nona, it is best that you ignore me, because you just lack the synapse power to keep up. Yes, that comment directly under yours was about your site, which I won't even bother checking because by now, the Sneaky Edit Queen will have changed it.

Do follow your leader, when she is lucid , she's really not all bad.


by Ninja181 on 20 August 2010 - 22:08

No Ray I can't cover for you, nobody, and I mean nobody could cover for you.

Because I know if I made one mistake in your eyes, I would suffer eternal damnation. I don't want to trivialize the importance of standing in for you Ray, but I just can't do it. I'm sure you understand, may I suggest Maggs?


by Ninja181 on 20 August 2010 - 22:08

Nona platz! Please platz, life will be easier for you if you platz.


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