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by hexe on 02 January 2013 - 03:01

ram, cowboy70 is the one who stated that he used his pitbulls for purposes people wouldn't like [paraphrasing because I really can't be bothered going back a page to get the quote], and when offered the opportunity to claim weight-pulling or hog hunting, he demurred, pointing out instead that lots of people have done things they weren't proud of doing later in their life.  If he wishes to disabuse me and anyone else of the impression he gave of having been in the dogfighting biz, he has the means to do so.

Yeah, sure, fine, embrace the term 'tenacity' in the fashion its used in the pitbull circles.  Hell, let's warmly take on the term 'game', too--no reason we shouldn't welcome the buzzwords used in the dogfighting circles and start applying them to GSDs, 'cause that would do nothing but improve the reputation of the GSD.  There's a huge difference between making reference to a 'tenacious hunt drive' and describing a dog's character in terms of it's 'tenacity'.  Had the individual who opened this thread introduced himself saying he'd been involved in Jack Russells for 20 years, and THEN tossed the term into the discussion, I admittedly would have wondered if he'd been involved in earthdog trialing, or if he'd bred primarily for ratting ability--but those aren't the terriers he was aligned with, and people who breed pitbulls for things other than fighting typically don't have any interest in the dog's 'tenacity'; they are more focused on the dog's temperament.

I'l be frank--I am hard pressed to find a single redeeming characteristic about ANYONE who involved themselves in dogfighting, as much as I cannot find a single redeeming quality about somebody who molests children, or is a rapist, or murderer.  Not really convinced that the people who've participated in those actions can ever be 'rehabilitated'.  The victims of those people, absolutely, I do believe they can be redeemed. The perpetrators, not so much.

edited to add:   Just so it's crystal clear, and no one can try and skew it otherwise, I have NOTHING against pit bulls, AmStaffs, Amer Bulldogs, Staffs, Bull Terriers or any of the other breeds and types that get tossed into the 'pit bull' category by municipalities, media, and the like.  I've never had a pit bull do anything more serious than slobber all over me and get some funky skin-exudate all over me while I was doing a skin-scraping, while I've been bitten or nearly-bitten by a bunch of Am Cockers and Toy Poodles in my time.  I'm not anti-pit bull...I'm anti-people who have created the problem the dogs have found themselves in, specifically those who bred for and fought the dogs, or 'trained' them to 'protect' their illegal activities. 


by kitkat3478 on 02 January 2013 - 04:01

I agree wholeheartedly hexe on the dog fighting reference . I actually went back earlier and re-read that and was going to reference that quote.
Allso, the fact this cowboy wants to get into personal protection with Shepherds, sort of gives me some bad heeby-jeebies about his whole mission.


by Jenni78 on 02 January 2013 - 04:01

Here I thought "tenacity" was just a great descriptive word for an admirable attribute in both man and beast. I guess one must hang out in "pitbull (sic) circles" to know how the term is used. 

I also didn't know that "tenacity" didn't pertain to temperament. I had always considered it a key factor in temperament of any living being, whether Pit Bull or person or parakeet. 

2013 just may be my year to learn a lot of new things. Thinking  This discussion was never going anywhere from the beginning, and when it digresses to the point where people want to argue semantics and go so far as to infer that the use of a certain common dictionary word implies involvement in illegal activities....well, I'm out (you can thank me later, lol). 

Happy New Year.

by cowboy70 on 02 January 2013 - 04:01

I didn't know my original thread would get so much attention. Also I didn't know that there were so many people on here that knew me that we'll to say someone could not be rehabilitated! Wow we have a lot of intelligent people on here that knows everything about everything and about everything about every person I should have met you all years ago! To set the record straight people can be rehabilitated from things they have done in the past! If not then none of us have been rehabilitated from past actions whether it was dog fighting drinking cursing, etc. to set the record straight my whole 21 yr breeding career consisted of a variety of activities with the breed including conformation shows, although those dogs were bred different. Within the pit bull breed there is also a show line and a "working line". Just for the record I do not "match " dogs any longer nor do I have a desire to do so! I'm glad there is such a thing called rehabilitation because if not every person who is presently involved in some wrong would have to sadly remain in there activity! For every dog fighter, alcoholic, drug addict, prostitute, liar, fornicator, adulterer, in fact the list could go on and on and for all the self righteous people you are some where on the list, but thank God for rehabilitation!


by rtdmmcintyre on 02 January 2013 - 04:01

I'm glad I have been rehabilitated, I don't smoke, I only drink in moderation, But I did once say the word DANG.  Oh shoot back to square one.

by cowboy70 on 02 January 2013 - 04:01

I just re read my post and I need to make a correction before some intelligent person reads something into what I was trying to convey! I used the word career when I should have used tenure! As I stated earlier I never really made any money in breeding dogs; hence my family thought I was crazy! I love animals in general and whatever money I made a majority of it went back into my breeding program! 

by cowboy70 on 02 January 2013 - 04:01

@rtdmmcintyre! Despite how some people try to appear we are all still works in progress and we will forever be trying to be better than we are! 


by kitkat3478 on 02 January 2013 - 04:01

It certainly is not the use of the word tenacity that I have a problem with, IT IS EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE INVOLVED IN DOG FIGHTING.
I myself find that and anyone involved in it disgusting, vile people.
Maybe God will overlook that, I will nor can NOT.
I really do hope cowboy,that you yourself can NOW understand the horror and inhumanity in dog fighting.


by rtdmmcintyre on 02 January 2013 - 04:01

I understand I was just trying to interject some humor

by hexe on 02 January 2013 - 04:01

Dude, given your present pursuit, you sorta need everyone to believe anyone can be redeemed--without that, you're outta business.  Yet the God you're thanking apparently doesn't always see it that way, either--the Great Flood, for example?

Not going to get into a theology debate here--there's an Off Topic forum for that, and religious debates don't interest me anyway.


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