Looking for Hodie(An old member here i learnt few important things from) - Page 5

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by joanro on 16 February 2016 - 02:02

Hund, '...and I'd certainly not want to 'tear you down' in the way Bav.Wagon
describes (wherever I lived !).'

Glad to hear that, Lol.


by DenWolf on 16 February 2016 - 02:02

The more confident and competent you become in your field, the less you have to prove to others...


I would say that of Sharyn, and I seriously doubt any discussion with Windy Pool caused her to quit posting on the internet...


Likely life just got in the way...  


Niger man, it might be Grand Junction that you heard of.. I think someone once mentioned Hodie had some family/friends there.  I found some old information online.. if you want me to PM it to you, let me know.


For whatever it is worth, she had built up a pretty neat looking dog business.. it just appeared that time had stopped at her place...  like one of those disaster movies... everything left just as it must have been the day it ended..  dog stuff on the board in the building, empty water buckets still hanging in dusty dog pens outside...  half filled cups of coffee on the tables....


I know she got heavy into rescue..  that in itself will ruin you financially unless you have a LOT of backing from the community...  maybe with facebook things would have been different...  but one still needs support and help to take care of things. That's REALLY hard to get when you are alone..and especially when health starts to go.


Bernhard Flinks spoke very highly of her at a seminar I taped a few years back.


I think the Falcon business was foreclosed on..   but so were lots of other things in these past few years.


Sometimes to keep sane you just have to move on and let the past be that... the past.




Keith Grossman

by Keith Grossman on 16 February 2016 - 03:02

Well said, Tiffany.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 16 February 2016 - 05:02

I know for a fact it wasn't Windy that caused Hodie to leave. There was a lot going on at the time on the site. Lots of pressure trying to admin with others who could not communicate with each other. It was a piss poor set up and some people got hurt by their own mistakes and the mistakes of others. It was probably one of the hardest things I ever did in my lifetime. I made mistakes but there were reasons I did what I did when it came to my other user name.

I think honestly that people shouldn't hold grudges but I am a pretty forgiving person. I see it in this very thread between Hund and Joan - why can't we just be secure enough in ourselves and our knowledge that we don't take offense to people who see it differently?


Hodie wasn't royalty but I personally put her on a pedestal and looked up to her. I miss her and I wish she would email me. If anyone contacts her please tell her I would love to hear from her.

by joanro on 16 February 2016 - 12:02

For the record, I like hund, but why are two people held up as bad examples because they are discussing respective views.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 16 February 2016 - 15:02

It isn't about discussing respective views, it is about harboring bad feelings about other debates. You yes you seem to not be able to let things go Joan. I know I have been on that grudge list for awhile now and I know other members who have been on that grudge list and will not post here any longer because you just can't let things go.

by Gustav on 16 February 2016 - 15:02

This breed can be a very complex and difficult topic. Likewise, the individuals that support the breed. We need the young and new for the energy and continuance of the breed. We need the older and experienced for the wisdom they can impart. The two often dissect and inter lap at different times in life.
I know I am polarizing for some folks because of my views. As I get older I really strive to minimize this without compromising the integrity of the breed....AS I KNOW IT. But that knowledge is still just a pebble in stream to knowledge of the breed, though it may seem immense to some not as fortunate or experienced as I have been in the breed. I agree with Hund that sometimes we become too dogmatic and reliant on competitive achievement as sign of eminence as opposed to the quality of the journey and edification/knowledge received from such travels.
I know I weary these days of posting all I know and I weary of going out and accomplishing what I can on the performance field though many other try to push me to step into the arena. Time tempers all things, in my view, and I really think that there are excellent points made by everyone in this thread, and also some excellent stereotypes....lol
I really wish Hodie the best, and hopes she continues to love and educate in the breed for as long as the passion burns. Because trust me, you will get to a point that much of the bickering and nastiness is no longer as important, and being right and proving a point is not gratifying, and this is where I have grown ever so slowly. Hopefully, she has also.

by joanro on 16 February 2016 - 16:02

Well, you keep bringing up that I can't let things go, gsd, so tell us all the things I 'can't let go of'... And all the members who won't post here anymore because I won't ' let go'. Which 'grudge' this time? Who told hund 'Brits get their panties in a wad'? Wasn't me. No matter what I post, you seem to have the need to claim I don't 'let go' of grudges....so who's harboring the grudges in reality. You lace me and redicule me and I try to 'walk your line' , but you still have the need to single me out, regardless. Head you win, tails I loose, I get it.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 16 February 2016 - 16:02

No, I don't think you get it. You have grudge issues and I am not going to fix it. lol, on the ridicule thing. Poor Joan. As if you have never ridiculed anyone anywhere. I just pointed out that people need to let things go, now go ahead twist my words and use only the parts of the things I say that help support your stance. You need to learn to let things go. Last time we had words you picked up your toys and stormed out claiming you were leaving and still you are here doing the same things that caused you to storm off last time. SMH.

lol, to naming others, nope not going to do it but I do have PMs. And I have no reason to lie.

by Bavarian Wagon on 16 February 2016 - 17:02

I don’t think this is an “American” issue. It’s just a natural want for people to be good. When you dedicate your life, or even every extra hour you have outside of your regular life to GSD or dogs, it’s natural to want to be the best. Many people do realize they don’t have the skills, abilities, or resources to get to that point and so they settle for something else, but many don’t settle and many fight to be at the top. And “the best” could be anything from…producing WUSV team dogs to just simply producing 100% healthy, stable puppies. Each one of us has a different idea of what that is.

And due to all of that, a natural hierarchy exists just like one exists in everything else we do. There are high level competitors that are consistently at the national level with dogs, there are those that can only muster a regional performance, and there are those that can barely get past a club trial. Nothing wrong with any of those things, the people are still trying. What you get online is that many of the “royalty” that people start to follow are at the bottom of that pecking order in real life. So sure, they might’ve been training and breeding dogs for 30 years, but when the highest level you’ve ever titled at is your own club trial, the real world doesn’t take you that seriously. So when one of those people, runs into a person that has accomplished more, you get issues when the person who has actually accomplished less is defended by people just because “they know them” rather than focusing on actual accomplishments. Usually the people doing the defending are just “pet people” that enjoy the breed and don’t train or breed or have any aspirations to do so and it just gets annoying for those that know they do have more knowledge and understanding.

I can tell you this…the moment someone drops how many years they’ve done Schutzhund or have been “in the breed” is the moment they have run out of “real” reasons they should be listened to over someone else and are admitting defeat. All that does is try to sway the few people that think how long you’ve done something is the only thing that matters when it comes to ability and knowledge about that subject.

End of the day…most people get way too personal and think that the relationships they’ve developed online are real and that they really do know the people they’re talking to. They believe everything those people say and don’t realize how much truth they leave out in order to make themselves or their dogs sound greater than they really are. People that are involved know exactly what to say and what to leave out in order to sway the people that have little idea of what is being discussed and get the public support.

Gustav...I agree with you that the journey is important, but more often than not I see people embellishing their journey with facts that can't be proven because they know they can't be proven...at least accomplishments are something we can check if we do enough simple digging. I generally see the people that point to their journey, or time spent on their journey are the ones that have no real accomplishments to talk of...so they need to focus on their journey, even when it's full of failure or mediocrity.


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