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by Jetndre on 30 October 2015 - 00:10
The person who made the video and met this dog has given me her email address.. if anyone wants to ask for more info from her please pm me and I'll give you her email. She lives closer to the shelter he's in and is a GSD person. Usually the shelters check for microchips but seldom does the staff know to look for tattoos...
by bubbabooboo on 30 October 2015 - 18:10
I called and asked if the dog has a tattoo or chip and the immediate response was no .. the person that I spoke with said to call back Tuesday after 9 AM when the director would be there for more information etc. .. The person I spoke to said that the male in the video came in as a stray along with an older unrelated GSD type female which they picked up as a pair. I figure the male puppy/young adult was chasing a female in heat and escaped from his kennel or normal surroundings and that is how he became lost and a stray. They said he was very thin when he came in ( that could be age, food, or a combination of both ) and that he had gained weight since he had been at the shelter. In the video the dog is thin and about right for a 12 - 15 month old male GSD. I figure the male in the video is closer to 1 year than to 18 months. I have no interest in adopting the dog that is nearly 500 miles one way from me plus I have a full house going into the winter. I am just trying to help the dog find a home as the dog appears to be a good dog.
by BlackMalinois on 01 November 2015 - 14:11
Hope this boy will find a good home , dog is very curious and he use his nose very well that is good
sign, I will bet he has some very good ball and prey drives, hope the members on this forum put some
energy to help this dog than all that wasting time energy discussion about mr VK4...........
by Jetndre on 09 November 2015 - 16:11
by susie on 09 November 2015 - 17:11
I wondered about the age (1.5 years ), but didn´t want to interfere. They changed the age to 4. I guess the dog is 4-5.5 years old.
I hope he´ll find a good home.
I hope he´ll find a good home.
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