IPObservations 5 - Responsibilities of Dog Sport Judges - Page 2

Pedigree Database

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by bubbabooboo on 29 March 2014 - 15:03

If my GSD become pets that will be just fine .. exactly what are IPO dogs other than pets??

Mike D

by Mike D on 31 March 2014 - 11:03


Again you wrote a lot of crap and did not answer the question. What are you doing to demonstrate the breed worthiness of your stock?


Hired Dog

by Hired Dog on 31 March 2014 - 12:03

I find these type of threads funny. First, we all know, or should know, that the way IPO has been softened, it proves nothing other then the trainer's technique, NOT the dog's nerve or temperament.
As soon as someone says that, however, someone else will jump in and state that "they" test their own dogs themselves, while training, they "know" what these dogs are made of, so, then why bother to title a dog in anything if it can be tested by "you", is someone else's opinion better then yours on your own dogs?

Just because a dog is titled, does not mean it should be bred...there are TONS of dogs that were trained by top trainers to get titled, dogs that should have never been titled or bred, yet, here they are.
Titles do not get passed on in a breeding, if you have a dog you consider worthy of being bred, then give it a chance, see what, if anything, it can produce. Most of the best breeding dogs are not titled, but, as long as they can produce themselves, that is what matters.
Now, having said that, if you are breeding a breed that is supposed to be a working dog to produce pets, you need to stop and re-evaluate your breeding program. Training a dog can be fun, aiming for titles can be fun, if you have that kind of time and money, but, as long as one is honest about what they have, titles are not needed to prove anything.

Mike D

by Mike D on 31 March 2014 - 18:03


"Most of the best breeding dogs are not titled"

What constitutes "Best"

Hired Dog

by Hired Dog on 31 March 2014 - 18:03

Yes, really. The best are the ones that have real aggression, real temperament and are not the easiest to handle, i know a few, do you?
As a fan of IPO, i am sure you know that prey/play drive is all that these dogs offer today and the more they have, the higher they score and move up.
If there is anything else i can enlighten you with, please ask.

Mike D

by Mike D on 31 March 2014 - 23:03

Yes HD I do know of a few that have (or had) real aggression, (real temperment? not sure what that means) can be (or could be) a handful, very dominant, but darn....they also had those dreaded IPO titles so I guess they were no good?

Your comment:   "...prey/play drive is all that these dogs offer today..."

While I do not disagree that there are some like this, I think your generalization is a bit extreme.


But back to your statement about the untitled good (Best) breeding dogs.....after titling  I will be breeding a female I bred & own (Eowyn z Tammik, A normal hips and elbows if you want to check her ped). If I want to bring more "real temperment" into my line, which untitled male should I breed her to? Since I am an IPO fan, most of the males I come into contact with have those dreaded IPO titles that of course, after they earn it the dog is no good anymore.



Hired Dog

by Hired Dog on 01 April 2014 - 00:04

Ahh, well mike, problem number one is the great GSD breed is not my most favorite, even though i own one at the moment i would not trade for anything, however, if you want to breed to a malinois, i can help you with several males, non of them titled, but also guaranteed to be the real thing. Look Mike, you and i both know that at any given time there are probably 5 dogs on the planet in every breed that can be called true producers and none will be found near any ring in the world.

Now tell me Mike, what is "some are like that" mean, like what percentage are we talking here?
Its the new training methods and the play/prey drives that get a ton of these dogs titled, not the dog qualities.

Mike D

by Mike D on 01 April 2014 - 00:04


I'll get to the point. Many folks on this forum bash IPO, claiming any dog could "play the game". The tracking is simply another obedience exercise. Sleeve sucker protection. These folks use this as justification to do nothing to demonstrate the breed worthiness of their dogs-and then breed them anyway. I say this: if IPO is so easy that crappy dogs can earn a title, then there should be no problem with an IPO title being the "Bare Minimum" for breeding. For those "Best breeding dogs" that you now can't name, it should be a cakewalk.





Hired Dog

by Hired Dog on 01 April 2014 - 01:04

Correction mike, i cant name shepherds because its not my breed, i am not familiar with pedigrees in it. If you would like to breed your bitch to a malinois, i have a few in mind.

Those best breeding dogs mike dont title not because the sport is hard, they dont because the dogs are hard to handle.
If you believe that IPO is the sport to test breed worthiness, well, its no wonder why the GSD is this way. Me, i will take other tests, but, good luck and all the best to you in your sport and breeding program. By the way, what was that % number i asked you about, you never told me.

Mike D

by Mike D on 01 April 2014 - 01:04


You said:

" i am sure you know that prey/play drive is all that these dogs offer today"

To which I responded:

While I do not disagree that there are some like this, I think your generalization is a bit extreme

I was agreeing with you there are some that are "prey/play". I was disagreeing that they are all like this, as you want to contend. I have no percentage because:

1: is was your assertion I was responding to.

2. I only know the dogs I know, and I try not to judge those I do not know. 

You also said:

"Those best breeding dogs mike dont title not because the sport is hard, they dont because the dogs are hard to handle"

To which I say-bullshit.

But to each his own. I'll title mine in IPO until something better comes along.




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