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by tara82 on 11 July 2006 - 16:07


Sue B

by Sue B on 11 July 2006 - 18:07

Second to Tara82, IN YOUR LAST BUT ONE POST YOU SAID QUOTE;- "i never mentioned the breeders of the dog, i would not give them the time of day.i actual said that the OWNER was an unknown judge/breeder" IT IS YOU WHO ARE THE DISHONEST ONE. PLEASE RE-READ YOUR FIRST POST WHERE YOU SAID QUOTE;- "and yet when an unknown owner/ breeder wins a cc, its total silence or detremental to the dog." HAVING CONTRADICTED YOURSELF IN THE LAST TWO POSTS, I SUGGEST IT IS 'YOU' AND NOT 'I' WHO, TO QUOTE YOU YET AGAIN:- "must point out that you have trouble reading off the written page", AND IN YOUR CASE YOU HAVE TROUBLE READING EVEN YOUR OWN WRITTEN PAGE!! Then just as I suspected you couldn't resist but re-mention the comments left under Nikonis Colin. You are so predictable in your vindictiveness I had already prepared my reply to this one, it goes like this:- "Nikonis Colin had passed a Sch3 Trial (a statement of fact), Not taken a CC (a matter of opinion). It did not necessitate my need to be in attendance in order to pass comment. However please note, my congrats were to 'Colin' (the dog), not his owner. Yes his owner deserves credit for having bred him but the dog is in Germany doing his Sch work without his owner, so in my book the credit for those achievements belongs to Colin and that of his German trainer." Finally, I did not apologise to you, I apologised to the owners of Hurricane for thinking they might be you. Now who do you credit with being quote; "DECENT NEW OWNERS" ? Because if you are implying that is YOU, there is absolutely nothing DECENT about you and I am now absolutely certain the breed would be better off without you. See you on Saturday? I doubt that very much! I reckon you are too gutless to unveil yourself/s on Saturday, either to myself or anybody else. I am sure you will be far too embarrassed to let the whole Shepherd World know just the real Pathically Stupid identities of your two annonymous entities! Yours Sincerley Sue B

by tara82 on 11 July 2006 - 19:07

sue b. this is what i wrote and its what you quoted now pay attention please. "IN YOUR LAST BUT ONE POST YOU SAID QUOTE;- "i never mentioned the breeders of the dog, i would not give them the time of day.i actual said that the OWNER was an unknown judge/breeder" now where it says judge/breeder i am refering to mr/mrs owen, because they own the dog, and i believe they have bred a litter-NOW DO YOU GET IT-please say yes this is so boring. and the decent owners i was refering to the owens though i don't know them, only of them. nice sidestep on the nikonis colin congrats, but you already lost that argument no need to back track on that.please can we all get on with our lives now, i don't think i have it in me to educate you further.


by MaximusMom on 11 July 2006 - 19:07

WOW, this thread is like a soap opera. Stay tuned folks the Saturday episode promises to be a cliff hanger will Tara revail herself to Sue B in person. You must watch to find out, I am betting its all advertising hype.... WOW, it would almost be worth watching, if I had this channel I would TIVO it.

Sue B

by Sue B on 11 July 2006 - 23:07

Deb29 and Lara Croft, I just want to give my sincere Thanks to you both. Sorry for not acknowledging this before but as you might appreciate I have worn my fingers out trying to derive sense out of the senseless. Anyway although I have absolutely no idea who either of you are, thank goodness there are some intellegent entities amoungst the annonymous. All my very best regards Sue B


by NikkiF on 11 July 2006 - 23:07

Tara82 As you kindly keep bringing Colin's name into this discussion let me give you a few facts so that you can get the whole picture. Nikonis Colin was trained by me and only me at firstly Malvern and Worcester Schutzhund Club and then South Valley Schutzhund Club (which is London area so some 1 1/2 hours drive from where I live) where he attended 2 seminars given by Dave Harris - all this before he went to Germany. If you don't believe this then please go to my website and on both his and Yago's pages you will see photos of me working both dogs. Unfortunately due to increasing age I found it impossible to complete their training which is why they completed their training in Germany. There being no one in this country willing to take on someone else's dog to train. I only wish that I could have done their qualifications with them my self as this would have been considerably cheaper. I really couldn't care less whether you like my dogs or not but please don't belittle their training qualifications until you are able to say I have done that and wear the tee shirt with your own dogs.

by tara82 on 11 July 2006 - 23:07

NikkiF. HI pleased to meet you. But sadly you have the wrong end of the stick, I have not belittled your dogs at all, I have no idea about specialised training in Germany so would not attempt to question what you do.My only reference was to point out to that moron sue b.that she was eager to congratulate Colin( as you are a champ.show judge )but made no such overtures to the latest UNKNOWN winner at Kent show.Purely using Colin as an example of her double standards.Its rather sad that all this gets out of hand, mainly for two major reasons-established showers don't want to stand up and be counted when wrong and skulduggery and cruelty are seen at shows, yes i will be on the lookout for it but it also needs established voices if we are to ever clean up this breed. So finally mrs farley please don't accuse me of something I HAVEN'T DONE,thanking you tara deans.

Sue B

by Sue B on 12 July 2006 - 01:07

Hi Tara82 To Quote Tara82: "NikkiF, HI pleased to meet you" Look whose grovelling now! LOL Didn't realise my No Comment on a dog I did not see at a show I did not attend would cause you so much distress. So contrary to what you attempt to imply, obviously my comments are important to you! Ha Ha Using Colin or any dog for that matter as a tool to entice people to say the things you want them to say about another dog is despicable. Indeed one could almost say you dangled Colin like a carrott at the end of your pokey stick, just the same as you accuse those of dangling buckets. Cruelty takes many forms but you are too insensitive and stupid to understand that. So what if I wished to congratulate Colin, what did that have to do with you? You are a self confessed unknown/newcomer to this breed, so what is it that makes you think you know more than I about it? You say you are 24yrs old, Good God girly I have been actively involved in this breed years before you were a twinkle in your fathers eye and have forgotten more than you have yet had the chance to learn!! So too have others you so foolishly come on here to throw S**t at and without whom and those of similar ilk that went before them, there would be no GSD Breed in the UK for you to enjoy! Take a look behind the pedigree's of every British Bred Dog, see the affix's of a multiple of breeder/judges the likes of which you so appear to enjoy attacking. Respect in this breed is something you have to earn, not something automatically bestowed upon you. Unfortunately with an attitude like yours, Respect is something you will never achieve. Sue B

by Deb29 on 12 July 2006 - 10:07

SueB Thanks for the compliment. I try to add intelligent comments to this board to make up for all the other idiots who just want to hurl abuse. I am not a newcomer to the breed but relatively new to the show-world, which is why I look up to people like you because I might learn something. I get very cross with those who think they know it all and just use this board to vent their anger and bitterness because they have no respect. You probably do know me, or would at least know my face, and indeed you may well remember receiving an anonymous article from me a while back which you very kindly published in the Breed Council Magazine, but since I am an insignificant small-time breeder with a fairly recent half-hearted entrance to the show world, I retain my anonymous status to prevent ridicule, not so that I can be vindictive and attack the most respected and successful kennels in the UK. On the subject of anonymity, should this Tara82 reveal herself at the NWPB show, please could you enlighten us all as I would love to know who she is just so that I can avoid her. She has nothing useful to contribute whatsoever.

Sue B

by Sue B on 12 July 2006 - 12:07

Hi Deb29, It was Lovely to learn you are the author of the brilliant article you sent annonymously to me. And Great to know my "old/ugly" disposition :-) has not yet hampered my ability to identify a responsible, caring, genuine GSD lover, from their alternative, negative, annonymous counterparts. Furthermore, I am glad through the annonimity this board provides you now have a voice, which helps make having to put up with comments from negative entities much more bearable! :-)) All my very Best Regards Sue B


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