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Siblings list for Kiyomaru Go
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Akashihime-go and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
Mother: Chinhyo Go (Chinpei Go) and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
Mother: Chiyo Maru and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
Mother: Hatakeyama Goma and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
Mother: Hisamame Go and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
Mother: Mesho Go and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
Mother: Nagasakime and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
Mother: Shiromaru Go and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
Mother: Tamura Goma and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
Mother: Yohei Go Shimizu So and father: Goromaru Go Akita Narita MEIYOSHO WINNER 1956
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