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JCH UA, CH UA Laif Spring Kansas 2011RKF HD- Sire | MULTI CH Welsh Kings Let Them Wish Me 2007NHSB 2721633 HD- Sire | World Winner,INT CH,Am,Kor,Venez,Brasil,ARG,Multi BIS Riverside Xtra Ordinary 2004AKC DN09174102 HD- Sire |
CH.BRA Llandians Royale Affair 2005NHSB 2715801 (AKC DN12629303) HD- Dam | ||
INTER,MULTI CH Craigycor Aleksandra 2008HD- Dam | CH ( IRL, USA) Shavals Fire Classic At Craigycor 2000KCSB 2312CM (IKCU88056) (AKC DN05444301) HD- Sire | |
BIS AM & IR CH Elfwish Sally Ride 2003AKC DN04974301 HD- Dam | ||
ARNI LONG LIFE SAMBATUS HD- Dam | INT.CH Ermyn Cranberry Frost 2003KCR AE00640903 HD- Sire | CH GB Ermyn Wing and a Prayer KCSB 0067CL HD- Sire |
EN.CHJanjinks Noonday Star at Ermyn EN.CH 1999KCR Z1461403Z02 HD- Dam | ||
Bora-Bora SAMBATUS HD- Dam | Dostoyniy Vnimaniya Sambatus 2006UKU 006894/07 HD- Sire | |
Andvol Imandra HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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