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German Shepherd Dog - Female
Go The Distance V Newanfang-Bewegung
Dam born: 04. January 2022
AKC DN69904603
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
US Select Excellent, BIF, RBIM, CH Kenlyn Marquis' Oh What A Night V Hoyle2018AKC DN55684305 HD-OFA: Excellent (GS-106611E27M-VPI) Sire | 2018 US Grand Victor, Canadian Select, GCHB CH Marquis' Can You Stop The Rain V Kenlyn2015AKC DN42623402 HD-GS-97824F28M-VPI Sire | SchH2,IPO 3VA2 US ´15, V 20 BSZS 2012 Mailo vom Kuckucksland SchH2,IPO 32010SZ 2254444 (AKC DN37046701) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire |
Marquis' I Love A Rainy Night2010AKC DN29985301 HD- Dam | ||
US Select Excellent CH Welove Duchiens Riverly Hoyle2015AKC DN43518504 HD-OFA: Excellent (GS-97604E24F-NOPI) Dam | ROMGV MV AM CH SEL EX Ejm N' Eko-Lan's Eli ROM2007AKC DN20552001 HD-OFA: Good GS-81687G24M-VPI Sire | |
ROMUS MV Select CH Welove Du Chien's American Honey ROM2012AKC DN33537101 HD- Dam | ||
CGC TKNCH Norberge’s Dahlia of Clayfield CGC TKN2018AKC DN54992402 HD-OFA: Good (GS-105612G26F-VPI) Dam | ROMSEL EX GCH (US) Clayfield Bon Jovi ROM2008AKC DN23394601 HD-OFA: Good (GS-83772G27M-VPI) Sire | CH (US) Silverhill's Matrix Resolved2004AKC DN17919501 (CKC PA924973) HD-OFA: Good (GS-76194G38M-PI) Sire |
ROMClayfield Murphy Mack ROM2001AKC DL89441103 HD-OFA: Good (GS-73426G52F-NOPI) Dam | ||
Von Nassau's Tangled of Norberge2012AKC DN35965106 HD- Dam | Norberge's GI Joe of Clayfield2008AKC DN22676402 HD-OFA: Fair (GS-85629F41M-VPI) Sire | |
Von Nassau's Cloe2007AKC DN35384601 HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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