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German Shepherd Dog - Female
VomKeleran's Evelyn
Dam born: 08. July 2020
CKC HN4019899
Hip: OFA: Excellent () - Elbows: OFA: Normal ()
microchip: 956000007353886
Other health issues: DM clear by parentage
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
HICKao Von Wendelin HIC2015CKC CE596621 HD-OFA: Good (GS-97317G27M-VPI) Sire | IPO 3 SECURITY K9Cert z Kolovecskeho mlyna IPO 3 SECURITY K92010CMKU 78181/10 (CKC 1127418) HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | SCHH3, IPO3, BHSG, 5×UM CR Larry ze Stribrneho kamene SCHH3, IPO3, BH2004CMKU 54254/04/07 HD-Dänemark Sire |
ZVV1, FPr2Andie z Podlesanek ZVV1, FPr22006CMKU DS/52474/04/06 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | ||
IPO 3Ginger von Wendelin IPO 32011CKC YC393059 HD-OFA: Good () Dam | ZVV3V Navar Hronovsky pramen ZVV32004CMKU 53548/04/06 (CKC 1109234) HD-1/2 (CZ) SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) Sire | |
ZVV1Deli z Neiberku ZVV12004CMKU 54500/04 (CKC 1109885) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
Alexandra of VomKeleran2018CKC FA774979 HD-OFA: Good (GS-107367G39F-VPI) Dam | Falda z Jirkova Dvora2016CMKU DS/101828/16 (CKC 1137821) HD-OFA: Good (GS-108005G67M-PI) Sire | IPO3, BHV Moody z Jirkova Dvora IPO3, BH2013CMKU DS/89543/13 HD-0/0 Sire |
ZVV2SG Gabi Jirysu-Bohemia ZVV22011CMKU 82517/11 HD-0/0 Dam | ||
Gaya z Jirkova Dvora2016CMKU DS/101836/16 (CKC 1137820) HD- Dam | ZVV3Jack Daniels z Neiberku ZVV32012CMKU 87578/12 HD-normal Sire | |
ZVV2,V Ofelie z Jirkova Dvora ZVV2,2013CMKU DS/90105/13 HD-0/0 Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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