Simple pedigree chart for Geronimo II (1879754)

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Simple pedigree chart for Geronimo II

Geronimo II
(AKCWA89006 [11-60] White)
White King of Ama
(AKCW278182 White)
Quicksilver von Verde Mont
Apollo von der Haus Elmuer
1941/44 GV CH (US) Nox of Ruthland ROM
CH ROM (US) Carol of Ruthland
Vixen of Maur-ray
Carlene of Cosalta CD
Beaumont Cecile von Verde Mont
(AKCW31206 white)
Chieftain of Verde Mont
(AKCA630600 White)
Lura Longfellow
(AKCA492360 (Vol 48))
Blondina of Long-Worth
Lliege of Long-Worth
(AKCA609700 Gray)
Winsome Lady of Long-Worth
Kiska of Casco Bay (Kishka)
CH (US) Remus of Gainwell
SGR 1937/8GV CH (US) Pfeffer von Bern ROM ZPR/MH
(SZ466407 (AKC A87262))
V Clara von Bern ZPr
Nancy of Gainwell
Alma of Gainwell II
Greta of Casco Bay
(AKCA450279 [1-41])
CH (US) Aribert of Gainwell
(AKCA214656 02-38)
Alma of Gainwell II
Gypsy of Casco Bay
Greta of Naples
Gratel of Sunny Corner
Teddy Carlo of Linden Hall
Giralda's Clyde
(AKCA338340 [9-39])
CH (US) Army of Northmere
(AKCA292048 (2-39))
CAN CH Gai Cherie of Northmere Field Trial Ch., CD
Giralda Ophelia
(AKCA173187 Black/Tan)
Giralda Worthy
Tease of Wildacres
(AKCA465064 [3-41])
CH (US) Argos vom Schloß Kesselsweiher (Of Giralda's) CD
(SZ490888 (AKC A163625))
CH (US) Attilas Argos ZPR
(SZ422504 (AKC A222207))
Bärbel aus der Senderstadt Langenberg
Cinder of Cosalta CD
(AKCA239017 [vol 55])
Colleen of Cosalta
Bonnie Brenda of Elm Farm
Thor v Lonnwold
Ansigisal v Kleinhause
CH (US) Ophelia of Greenfair ROM
Sistell von Shepwold
Pond View's Guard
Miss Fritzheart
(AKCA542347 [2-42])
Suzie of Casco Bay
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