Simple pedigree chart for Gratel of Sunny Corner (1879753)

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Simple pedigree chart for Gratel of Sunny Corner

Gratel of Sunny Corner
Teddy Carlo of Linden Hall
Giralda's Clyde
(AKCA338340 [9-39])
CH (US) Army of Northmere
(AKCA292048 (2-39))
Armin of Coldhurst
Hostes of Wolfsglen
CAN CH Gai Cherie of Northmere Field Trial Ch., CD
Etoile Fortunate Fields
(AKC979988 (3-35))
Giralda Ophelia
(AKCA173187 Black/Tan)
(US) CH Dewet von der Starrenburg SchH
(SZ442509 (AKC 981926))
V Othilde von der Starrenburg SchH
Giralda Worthy
CH (US) Giralda's Lola CD
(AKC673137 Vol 46)
Tease of Wildacres
(AKCA465064 [3-41])
CH (US) Argos vom Schloß Kesselsweiher (Of Giralda's) CD
(SZ490888 (AKC A163625))
CH (US) Attilas Argos ZPR
(SZ422504 (AKC A222207))
Freude von Richrate ZPr
Bärbel aus der Senderstadt Langenberg
PH Minka aus der Senderstadt Langenberg
Cinder of Cosalta CD
(AKCA239017 [vol 55])
CH (US/CAN) Anthony of Cosalta CDX
Cricket of Cosalta
(AKC583576 (06-27))
Colleen of Cosalta
1935 GV CH Nox of Glenmar
(AKC790754 vol48)
CH (US) Tara of Cosalta
Bonnie Brenda of Elm Farm
Thor v Lonnwold
Ansigisal v Kleinhause
CH (US) Peter of Garastanna
CH Asta vom Sonnenbild SCHH
CH (US) Ophelia of Greenfair ROM
CH Lucie von den drei Kronen
(SZ471591 (AKC A90453 09-36))
Sistell von Shepwold
Pond View's Guard
Pond View's Beretta
Miss Fritzheart
(AKCA542347 [2-42])
Fritz of Kennebunk
Lady Hardickhel
Suzie of Casco Bay
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No information about the Sire
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No information about the Dam
No information about the Sire
No information about the Sire
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