German Shepherd Dog Puppies for sale: !!REZERVATION TOP PUPPY FCI!!! (id: 303726)

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German Shepherd Dog - Puppies for sale


Sent by orrylordblack

Czech Republic   CZ ←→ Posted from

Updated: Nov 02, 2024 08:14 AM (inserted 4 weeks ago) -> 133
🇨🇿🇨🇿🐾🐾Kennel ORRYLORDBLACK🐾🐾🇨🇿🇨🇿 💪🐾‼️RESERVATION FOR PUPPIES IS OPEN‼️🐾💪 💪‼️EXPECTING TOP QUALITY PUPPIES‼️💪 🇩🇪 🇩🇪Drago von Akanda x Jacckie Orrylordblack🇨🇿🇨🇿 💪 💪🐾‼️RESERVATION FOR PUPPIES IS OPEN‼️🐾💪💪 💪‼️EXPECTING TOP QUALITY PUPPIES‼️💪 ----------------- 👉Drago von Akanda👈 DM N/N - Degenerative myelopathy result N / N (homozygot) Longhair result L / L (homozygot) ED-nearly normal/ HD-normal(Free) (SV),LÚW-0 (SV),DNA gepr (SV),OCD-Free(SV) angek.2024/25, HD-ZW 74 (02-24),Velmi dobrý, BH/VT IGP 1: A100 -B94 -C99 = 293 V IGP 2: A97 - B80 - C 99 = 276 SG gekört für 2025/2026,Wesensbeurteilung, AD -------------- Father Drago: Hercules vom Großen Ex- DM N/N - Degenerative myelopathy result N / N (homozygot) Qualifiziert zur LGA 2019 mit 96-96-94 ED-normal(free) HD-normal(Free) (SV),LÚW-0 (SV),DNA gepr (SV),OCD-Free(SV) Lbz, HD-ZW 69 ( 04/2021),Výborný,IGP 3, IPO 3 Mother Drago:Akanda von Peroh DM N/N - Degenerative myelopathy result N / N (homozygot) homozygot Kurzhaar (L/L) ED-normal(free) HD-normal(Free) (SV),DNA gepr (SV),OCD-Free(SV),Velmi dobrá, IPO1: A 96, B 90, C 97 IPO2: A 98, B 91, C 91 IPO3: A 97, B 90, C 96 ----------------------- 👉Jacckie Orrylordblack👈 ED 0/0 HD 0/0 X-ray official (SV) BH/VT-59b , IGP1-88/99/88 DNA gepr (SV), Bonitační kod:4CKI5/55 Výstava:Velmi dobrá 4 Dwarfismus result N / N (homozygot) Longhair result L / L (homozygot) Hyperurikozuria - PCR N/N (homozygot) MDR1-gen. variant - PCR N/N (homozygot) ----------- Father Jacckie:Bandiro Daria Reda ED 0/0 HD 0/0 X-ray official BH, IPO 1, IPO 2, IPO 3 1.tŕída Chovnosti,Velmi Dobrý Mother Jacckie:Artemis zo Salibského dvora ED 0/0 HD 0/0 ( X-ray official)OCD-Free,Spody-0 DNA gepr (SV), 2.Třída Chovnosti,Velmi dobrá BH,ZVV1 ----------------- WhatsApp: +420 602118818 ---------



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