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Pedigree for
Afra v Hohenesp
Dolf Vd Bergstrasse | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | No information about the sire |
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | ||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | ||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | ||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | ||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | |||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | ||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
Heddi Von Fernrode | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | |
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | ||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | ||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | ||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | ||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | ||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
Anni v Hohenesp DZB/23303 | Jock v Fernrode | BDSGR Edelblut Vom Jagerhof | Ger. Ch. BDSGR Prinz Modern V Ilm-athen | Lux Edelblut V Ilm-athen | SchH I BDSGR Hellegraf Von Thüringen SchH I | LANDGRAF Sighart V Thüringen |
Ullrichs Glocke von Thüringen NZ/66 | ||||||
Schnuppe Vd Saale | Lux v. buterodt | |||||
Lotte V Ilm-athen | Sturmfried von Ilm-Athen | Prinz von Ilm-Athen | ||||
Betty von Ilm-Athen | ||||||
Schnuppe v. ilm-Athen | Ger. Ch. BDSGR Prinz Modern V Ilm-athen | |||||
Schnuppe Vd Saale | ||||||
Tatjana von Jägerhof | Marko von Lützellinden (Jägerhof) | Fedor von Aprath D.Z./244 | Tell von Kirchweyhe | |||
Thina von Aprath D.Z./89 | ||||||
Zilla v. Lützellinden-Hörnsheim | SchH I BDSGR Hellegraf Von Thüringen SchH I | |||||
Flora v. Hörnsheim | ||||||
Kitty vom Jägershof (Urian x Kitty) | Urian v. Eckardstein | Leporello von der Nidda | ||||
Bella von Hohenstein | ||||||
Kitty von der Ruhr | Hopsa Hinz von Thüringen NZ/146 | |||||
Kitty von Burgstadt | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | ||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | ||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | ||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
Senta Heyer DZB/16651 | Remo v d Bergstrasse | Marko von Warteberg D.P.Z/5575 | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | ||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam | ||||||
Liese v d Burgstrasse | Moritz Vom Burgwall | Sturmfried von Ilm-Athen | Prinz von Ilm-Athen | |||
Betty von Ilm-Athen | ||||||
Wally V Burgwall | SchH I BDSGR Hellegraf Von Thüringen SchH I | |||||
Herta v. burgwall NZ/775 | ||||||
Lux v d Burgstrasse | Lord vom Ried | SchH I BDSGR Hellegraf Von Thüringen SchH I | ||||
Nora v. ried | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
Liese v d Jutte | Moritz Vom Burgwall | Sturmfried von Ilm-Athen | Prinz von Ilm-Athen | Greif von Grönland | ||
Lady von Ilm-athen | ||||||
Betty von Ilm-Athen | Greif von Grönland | |||||
Dina von Thüringen | ||||||
Wally V Burgwall | SchH I BDSGR Hellegraf Von Thüringen SchH I | LANDGRAF Sighart V Thüringen | ||||
Ullrichs Glocke von Thüringen NZ/66 | ||||||
Herta v. burgwall NZ/775 | Tell von Kirchweyhe | |||||
TILLA V. HüGEL | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the dam | |||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the dam | No information about the sire | |||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | No information about the sire | ||||
No information about the sire | ||||||
No information about the sire | No information about the dam | |||||
No information about the dam |
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