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Siblings list for Beachbreeze Chasqui Notorious Jedi
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Castlerock's Mayflower Elite and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
Mother: CH Coralriver and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
Mother: CH Fraja NE Raging Moon and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
Mother: HeavyFuel Walk This Way and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
Mother: Lobos Cindy and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
Mother: Lobos Nirvana and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
Mother: CH Lobotown Alice and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
Mother: Lobotown Never Mind and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
Mother: Mississipi Paffy and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
Mother: Mississippi-Red Sequoyah and father: CH Lobo Rowdytown Red Marlboro
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