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Alaskan Malamute - Male
GCHG CH Alcan Come Snodanc With Me
Sire Born: 26. December 2006
AKC WS20861106
Hip: OFA: Excellent (AM-12568E24M-VPI) - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROM WWPD WWPDX WPD WTD CGC NR TDI VAM AAAMBIS BISS AM/CAN CH Wind's Fury Jacob Trailblazer ROM WWPD WWPDX WPD WTD CGC NR TDI VAM AAAM2001AKC WR02499305 HD-OFA: Excellent (AM-11235E24M-PI) Sire | WWPDX WTDAAM CH Storm Kloud's Llook At Me Now WWPDX WTDA1999AKC WP89448201 HD-OFA: Good (AM-10607G25M-PI) Sire | IDITAROD LEAD DOG, WLDX WTDX WWPDAM/ISR CH Storm Kloud's Hhere I Am IDITAROD LEAD DOG, WLDX WTDX WWPD1989AKC WG345791 HD-OFA: Excellent (AM-7439E36M-T) Sire |
WWPDCH (US/CAN) Storm Kloud's Ddear to my Heart WWPD1997AKC WP78382101 HD-OFA: Fair AM-10175F26F-T Dam | ||
WTD CGCWind's Fury Wintersong WTD CGC1997AKC WP78382205 HD-OFA: Good AM-10054G25F Dam | WWTDX/TT/WTDXCH Storm Kloud's Wwon'n Great Taste WWTDX/TT/WTDX1991AKC WP36816602 HD-OFA: Good AM-8134G32M-T Sire | |
Roque's Mystic Bijou1994AKC WP53268201 HD-OFA: Good AM-8872G24F-T Dam | ||
ROMCH Alcan Perfect Pearl ROM2000AKC WP95962506 HD-OFA: Good (AM-10922G26F-PI) Dam | CH Wildpaw Western Wonder1998AKC WP85799901 HD-OFA: Good (AM-10453G25M-T) Sire | BIS CH Poker Flat's Yukon Law1992AKC WP42491701 HD-OFA: Good AM-8225G25M Sire |
CH Wildpaw's Kindred Spirit1995AKC WP64054101 HD-OFA: Good (AM-9429G24F) Dam | ||
CH Alcan Make It So Clio1996AKC WP76134505 HD-OFA: Good (AM-10211G35F-T) Dam | CH Alcan Original Design1993AKC WP53221401 HD-OFA: Excellent (AM-9127E33M) Sire | |
CH Vi'taurus's Rhapsody In Red1990AKC WP31910202 HD-OFA: Good (AM-7863G53F) Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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