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Akita -
AKC/CAN CH Sunojo's Gotta Getta Gund
Sire Born: 21. June 1988
AKC WG406405 - CKC VL741061
Hip: OFA: Good (AK-4894G26M-T) - Elbows: Not Tested
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
AKC/CAN CH Dune's Duncan Idaho 1982AKC WF284060 HD-OFA: Good (AK-2174) Sire | AKC CH O B J Abaddon Of Dune 1980AKC WE823990 HD-Not Tested Sire | ROMPXAKC CH Okii Yubis Sachmo Of Makoto ROMPX 1973AKC WC622857 HD-OFA: Good (AK-419) Sire |
ROMAKC CH O'B J Nikki No Nikki ROM 1978AKC WE1096040 HD- Dam | ||
ROMKinouk's Alia ROM 1979AKC WE314904 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-1223-T) Dam | AKC CH Kin Hozan's Bozo Go 1975AKC WD235863 HD-OFA Normal Sire | |
Kinouk's Karlaya 1977AKC WD835817 HD- Dam | ||
CAN CH Suno-Jo's Kisaki CKC RA415293 HD- Dam | CAN CH Langan's Takiba Drift 1979CKC LS514832 HD- Sire | ROMAKC/CAN CH Toshiro's Karate Drift ROM 1975AKC WD119336 HD- Sire |
Megami 1972AKC WC681301 HD- Dam | ||
CAN CH Kakwa's Kobe HD- Dam | ROMPXAKC CH Okii Yubis Sachmo Of Makoto ROMPX 1973AKC WC622857 HD-OFA: Good (AK-419) Sire | |
Westwind's Dixie Bell HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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