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Akita -
AKC CH Huntmere Regalia's Bonfyre
Dam born: 19. May 2001
AKC WR02657006
Hip: OFA: Good (AK-12211G39F-PI) - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMPX, TDI, CGCBISS, MBIS AKC CH T'Stone Raja Regalia On Buckridge ROMPX, TDI, CGC 1998AKC WP86293204 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-10976E31M-PI) Sire | ROMPBISS AKC CH T'Stone Cut To The Chase Chiheisen ROMP 1996AKC WP68684906 HD-OFA: Good (AK-9728G28M) Sire | ROMPX, AOMBISS AKC CH T'Stone's The Hustler ROMPX, AOM 1993AKC WP47356704 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-7916E25M) Sire |
ROMPAKC CH Samkita's Fortune Teller ROMP 1990AKC WP32550507 HD-OFA: Good (AK-6239G24F-T) Dam | ||
ROMPX, AOMAKC CH T'Stone Indian Sumr Kbra Kai ROMPX, AOM 1993AKC WP51424106 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-8474E30F) Dam | CDAKC CH O'BJ Shaka-Khan At C And L CD 1989AKC WG390326 HD- Sire | |
Fair Wind Hearts On Fire 1990AKC WP32828106 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-6592E29F) Dam | ||
ROMPHuntmere's Quiet Riot ROMP 1997AKC WP79975603 HD-OFA: Good (AK-10352G25F) Dam | ROMPXBIS, BISS AKC CH Regalia's Darq Wolf ROMPX 1993AKC WP48243302 HD-OFA: Good (AK-8042G26M) Sire | ROMPXAKC CH Regalia's Mountain Man ROMPX 1990AKC WP31487502 HD-OFA: Good (AK-6630G31M) Sire |
AKC CH Regalia's Snapdragon 1990AKC WP31585302 HD-OFA: Good (AK-6250G25F) Dam | ||
CGCRoyals Riyoshi No Huntmere CGC 1993AKC WP46724902 HD-OFA: Good (AK-7876G24F-T) Dam | UCDX, CDX, TT, TDI, CGCAKC/CAN/UKC/INT'L CH O'PR Royal's The Boogie Man UCDX, CDX, TT, TDI, CGC 1990AKC WG483471 HD-OFA: Excellent (AK-5864E24M-T) Sire | |
Royal's Soosume-Gidget AKC WG170857 HD-Not Tested Dam |
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