Yorkshire Terrier Stud Dog: Yorkshire Terrier (id: 304532)

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Yorkshire Terrier - Stud Dog

Yorkshire Terrier

Sent by gataric

Republic of Serbia   RS ←→ Posted from Serbia

Updated: Jan 12, 2025 05:51 PM (inserted 3 weeks ago) -> 130
Yorkshire Terrier puppies, from small parents, mother 2.3kg father 2.4kg. popular and quality bloodlines. Parents awarded at exhibitions, and other ancestors multi-champions. Born 27.11.'24. vaccinated, revaccinated, pedigreed, passport and other supporting documents. They were raised professionally, with lots of love and attention, so that they leave with already adopted hygiene habits and socialized in relation to their age. Both sexes available. Reservations are ongoing, and departure to a new home is after 05.02. Delivery possible anywhere in the world. Price: 1000€ More information about puppies on phone: +381606616108 Jovana, Belgrade, Serbia

Yorkshire Terrier


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