5 generation long pedigree for CH Silver Ho Parader

Pedigree Database

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Pedigree for

CH Silver Ho Parader

CH Silver Ho Shining Arrow

Honeybrook Big Parade

Future of ArkenEl Troubadour of ArkenEl Capitaine of Arken
Gailly Arrayed of Arken
Nymf of ArkenAlstead Adjutant
Halbury Jean
Honeybrook HelenAalveen AnchorNo information about the sire
No information about the dam
Gene of ArkenNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Silhouette of Silver Ho

Master Lukeo of NorandaAce of AshsteadNo information about the sire
No information about the dam
Lady Lukeo Of CosaltaNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Noranda of HeidiMajor LukeoCaptain Lukeo
Tazewell Tazza
Lady Nan of NorandaNoranda Son of Lodestone
Nan of Noranda
Lodestone Bandolieara II

Heatherton Pal

Para of SunnyheathCock Robin of ArkenNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Tazewell Thumming IINo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Bellefontaine BlondebelleSunderland SerenaderNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Bellefontaine White BordoniNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Landmark Lady

Star of LodestoneLodestone LandmarkNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Lodestone Lady LeaNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Lodestone LadyBergamot BandolierNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Lodestone LuckyNo information about the dam
No information about the sire

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