5 generation long pedigree for CH Impromptu Repartee

Pedigree Database

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Pedigree for

CH Impromptu Repartee

CH Glen Knoll Flash Lightning

Brandwyne Tom Foolery

Gaylord Major MerrymakerSterling SyndicateSterling Starmist
Sterling Surplus
Powell Bonnie BabeTokalon Stormy Weather
Powell Bronze Beauty
Poplar By Storm's GemPoplar By StormTokalon Storm Cloud
Tokalon Polly of the Follies
Locksley Halls LaraTokalon Winter Shadows
Linda of Locksley Hall
Glen Knoll Spun Gold

Glen Knoll Knightswood SkyCH Scotlyn's CasanovaRob Roy of Scotlyn
Wehner's Mist O' Dawn
Glen Knolls Silver BuckleBrandwyne Tom Foolery
Glen Knolls Blue Angel
Balintore La GiocondaStarberry Edwin L.No information about the dam
No information about the sire
Balintore La Belle HeleneNo information about the dam
No information about the sire
Crown Royal Midnight Mood

Glen Knoll Knightswood Sky

CH Scotlyn's CasanovaRob Roy of ScotlynHazeljanes Bright Future
Brandwyne Mamselle
Wehner's Mist O' DawnCainbrookes Beau Ideal
Scotlyn's My Cal Sal
Glen Knolls Silver BuckleBrandwyne Tom FooleryGaylord Major Merrymaker
Poplar By Storm's Gem
Glen Knolls Blue AngelCH Poplar Blue Moon
Forester's Dark Rose
Bayberry Brandy Alexandra

Brandwyne Destiny's EchoBrandwyne Royal DestinyBrandwyne Needless To Say
Brandwyne Mamselle
Brandwyne CapriceBrandwyne Tom Foolery
Brandwyne Sweet Song
Pat's Royal Rock KarraHoneybrook Top SecretGaylord's Mr. Scalaway
Cheri Ami Progressive
Royal Rock Show TimeErin's Own Professor's Touch
Royal Rock Show Boat

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