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by joanro on 03 August 2015 - 14:08

Yogi, if you are suggesting there be criteria for training video content, pretty sure I won't post anymore videos. Most videos are training videos, the rare times vid are even posted. I can't recall a single one showing the whole shebang...even trial videos seldom show the obedience during protection. Pete, save yourself the bother, brother.:-)
I'm going to the feed store, see if my dog will out. Lol

by joanro on 03 August 2015 - 14:08

Blitzen, part of IPO 'test' is protection.


by yogidog on 03 August 2015 - 14:08

Yes surrounded by obidence and control.if you lose control of the dog and goes for judge your done no matter how good the bite work is. Blizen my dogs are of good standard. Start right finish right. I love the raw aggressive instinct of vk dog but you have to show the other side. Joanro I am not critical of vk. I want to encourage him to show 2 sides of his dog you know that can be wrong or critical to show the versatility of the gsd

by joanro on 03 August 2015 - 14:08

Then everyone posting bite work videos needs to do the same.
As for trials and judges, I'm not talking about the requisit for a trial. I'm talking about the portions usually exhibited in videos posted, like the long bite.
How about Herby posting a dog being trained in protection, picked up by the decoy while on the suit...there was zero obedience displayed in the video clip. No one got on his arse telling him to show all of the aspects of the gsd. This is not supposed to be a tutorial, advertising, promotion for the gsd as a breed. Go to akc website for that...they have it all figured out. This is rediculous.


by yogidog on 03 August 2015 - 15:08

This is a conversation not an order. If you show 6 videos of the same thing why not show the other side it only takes a minute. Sit 30 second comand done. Don't know why this is personal iv said nothing negative about the dog I like the dog and the video's .I also like the handler to reach the hight he should and vk was looking for advice and I was trying to be constructive .

by joanro on 03 August 2015 - 15:08

It wasn't you specifically, yogidog. I still don't think vk deserved the critsism he got by another poster and their post was pretty insulting to vk. He didn't call anybody names, and his video was not abusive, the decoy was wearing a body suit, nobody was killed or injured in the video. Vk explained what happened after training session, sounds like his dog is no kid killer.
I'm done with this, its a collossal waste of time.

by Blitzen on 03 August 2015 - 15:08

Never mind. It's not worth the effort.


by BlackMalinois on 03 August 2015 - 16:08

I know VK4GSD lives in a part of the world,finding a good helper or club is not as easy to find
as in my country, so I don,t make comment about techniques, helper , handler and dog what
I see the the dog have some potential and with good and welknown people around this dog the dog
will show an other level and picture. What I like is the dog and handler and decoys have a lot of fun and they enjoy their games
, its always easy to make comment to other people and dogs VK4GSD
have the balls to show what he is doing good or wrong.


Like to see more videos coming forward  ( absolute stunning GSD)

Western Rider

by Western Rider on 03 August 2015 - 16:08

Well looks like I went to sleep to early

I never told anyone not to post videos or what kind. I like to watch them, it gives you a better idea of what they are describing. I have never told anyone how to train, I want to hear as many ideas and ways to teach the same thing as I can. You just never know which one is going to work when

The bad language etc comment is because The Mods had already edited this thread and we know from past post that VK does get a little carried away and that he has a way to poke buttons and bring out the worst in others. I had no desire to have to go through the multiple Abuse comments that so often happen when some don't like a person, topic, the direction a thread is going or they get their feelings hurt in a thread.

I mentioned about OB in a dog to show VK where other posters were coming from and why, and to let newbies understand some of the pit falls of not having it.

VK I do enjoy your threads and what you and your dog are doing similar to what my friends and I are doing,.  

You think your people want Shepherd/labs you are ahead of us  here they want Goldens/Shepherds even worse



by susie on 03 August 2015 - 18:08

This whole discussion is ridiculous. Whoever is interested is able to see videos of Pete´s dog doing obedience and ( freestyle ) agility.
He doesn´t have regular access to an experienced helper, he isn´t even interested in IPO.
His dog is used on a regular basis for hunting and for crowd control.
He is not going to use his dog as stud...
VK is THE ONLY ONE on this board willing to show training IN PROGRESS. Nobody else is willing to share videos like this, not even the more or less "professionals", and for sure not the guys or ladies, who want to SELL their "well trained" dogs.

This dog has a "job", and this dog has a handler that takes care for it.

There are different kinds of German Shepherds out there:

1. the ShepLabs
2. the golden middle ( IPO, SAR...)
3. the serious ones ( police, PP...)

Not every German Shepherd is the "best buddy of the neighbourhood", but out of this reason police, military, and private security became interested in this breed - they are not interested in funny pets.

This kind of dog just needs responsible handlers - most people are not able to handle them - they simply should stay away from this kind of dog ( including police officers who don´t know about the character of their own dog...)


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