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Pembroke Welsh Corgi - Male
INT&FIN&EST&RUS CH Trafox Royal Enfield
Sire Born: 08. December 1995
FIN 49030/95
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
FIN & EST CH, ESTW96 Fedina's Take and Touch1994FIN 47754/94 HD- Sire | FIN CH Finnheeler Fidelio1993SF 16589/93 HD- Sire | FIN CH Adonicus1984SF 13640P/84 HD- Sire |
CACIB Finnheeler Fireworks1988SF 25921/88 HD- Dam | ||
Fedina's Parisian Blonde1992SF 04963/93 HD- Dam | FIN CH Fiord's Jubilee1991SF 06294/91 HD- Sire | |
CAC Fedina's Karamelle1991SF 14897/91 HD- Dam | ||
FIN CH & EST CH Svarzekoks I'm So Lucky1993SF 46087/93 HD- Dam | Tri Your Luck Lisiura1991SF 10183/92 HD-FCI: C 1/2 (Borderline, Mild) Sire | CH FIN Briardale Eclipse of Kilvewood1984SF 035170/85 (KCJ6253604K01 ) HD- Sire |
Lees Tulip Of LisiuraPKR 7478 HD- Dam | ||
CAC Natural Octopussy1989SF 01799/90 HD- Dam | Natural Pioneer1987SF 02078/88 HD- Sire | |
Natural Madam Butterfly1986SF 01622/87 HD- Dam |
User comments
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