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Siblings list for AKC CH Larklain's Dandy Ambassador
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Haus Capps' Caralon Deirdre and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
Mother: Katydid's Bronz L'Kismet and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
Mother: Katydid's Bronz M'Jammey and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
Mother: CH Larklain Lees Wild Honey and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
Mother: CH Larklain's Stormy Pumpkin and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
Mother: Larklains Honeydew and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
Mother: Larklains Sea Master Cider and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
Mother: Larklains Sparklin Sunshine and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
Mother: Larklains Stormy Tar Baby and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
Mother: Pemleas Menfreya Affair and father: CH Larklains Redd Dandy ROMX
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