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Siblings list for Hildenmanor Crawleycrow Squirrel
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Crawleycrow Gift and father: ENG CH / IR CH Crawleycrow's Bannow Master Broom
Mother: Crawleycrow Perky and father: ENG CH / IR CH Crawleycrow's Bannow Master Broom
Mother: Firesprite of Elsdyle and father: ENG CH / IR CH Crawleycrow's Bannow Master Broom
Mother: Lavinia of Almadee and father: ENG CH / IR CH Crawleycrow's Bannow Master Broom
Mother: My Squibs and father: ENG CH / IR CH Crawleycrow's Bannow Master Broom
Mother: Rossanagh's Bo-Peep and father: ENG CH / IR CH Crawleycrow's Bannow Master Broom
Mother: Savage From Shiel and father: ENG CH / IR CH Crawleycrow's Bannow Master Broom
Mother: Sunset of Waggerland and father: ENG CH / IR CH Crawleycrow's Bannow Master Broom
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