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Siblings list for G Hugo Kostolianskej cesty IPO3, SVV1
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Cara z Kostolianskej cesty SVV1, SZP1, SLP1 and father: SG Brian Zlodej Slnecnic IPO 3, SCHH 3, SVV 3, FH 2, SPS
Mother: G Afra Obadove ocko PZ1, SVV2, IPO3, SCHH1, FH2, IPO-FH and father: SG Cezar z Jasenskej doliny IPO3, SVV3, SPS, SPO
Mother: Bibi Obadove Ocko and father: SG Cezar z Jasenskej doliny IPO3, SVV3, SPS, SPO
Mother: G Bina z Duricovho Dvora SVV2, IPO3 and father: SG Cezar z Jasenskej doliny IPO3, SVV3, SPS, SPO
Mother: SG Chasanta Anrebri IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV1, OP1 and father: SG Cezar z Jasenskej doliny IPO3, SVV3, SPS, SPO
Mother: G Fiana Kiddo SVV1 and father: SG Cezar z Jasenskej doliny IPO3, SVV3, SPS, SPO
Mother: Masa Abel IPO1 and father: SG Cezar z Jasenskej doliny IPO3, SVV3, SPS, SPO
Mother: Peggy Z Jirkova Dvora and father: SG Cezar z Jasenskej doliny IPO3, SVV3, SPS, SPO
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