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Breed report
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SchH2CH (US) Lord vom Zenntal SchH2 1944SZ 591767 (AKC W103301) HD- Sire | SchH3Bär vom Oliverforst SchH3 1938SZ 524663 HD- Sire | PHArtus vom Wilmstor PH 1930SZ 403144 HD- Sire |
SCHH3/MH1Ruma vom Haus Schütting SCHH3/MH1 SZ 499154 HD- Dam | ||
SchH2Dora von den drei Galgen SchH2 1939SZ 541397 HD- Dam | SCHH2'38 VA5 Gerbod von der Brahmenau SCHH2 SZ 486926 HD- Sire | |
SCHHAnita vom Hengster SCHH SZ 469636 HD- Dam | ||
ROM1944 GVX CH (US) Frigga v Hoheluft ROM 1941AKC A530480 HD- Dam | ROM1941/44 GV CH (US) Nox of Ruthland ROM 1939AKC A350676 HD- Sire | ROM ZPR/MHSGR 1937/8GV CH (US) Pfeffer von Bern ROM ZPR/MH 1934SZ 466407 (AKC A87262) HD- Sire |
CH ROM (US) Carol of Ruthland 1936AKC A278448 HD- Dam | ||
ROM1940 GVX CH (US) Lady of Ruthland ROM 1938AKC A312055 HD- Dam | ROM ZPR/MHSGR 1937/8GV CH (US) Pfeffer von Bern ROM ZPR/MH 1934SZ 466407 (AKC A87262) HD- Sire | |
1936 GVX (US) CH V Frigga vom Kannenbäckerland 1934AKC A91129 9-36 HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:25 pm
CH Gernda's Ludwig ROM by Living Fence on 24 November 2015 - 23:11