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by susie on 13 January 2025 - 16:01
Because of its appearance
because of its working ability?
do you care about health?
In case it´s about appearance only, just don´t care about my post, It doesn´t matter - just buy a dog looking like a GSD.
in case it´s about working ability you should read the whole message,
In case it´s about health, don´t stop reading...
In case it´s about appearance, working ability, and health, you are the match!
A German Shepherd should look like a German Shepherd - pretty easy to see for everyone -
there are shows where judges will tell you if your dog really fits the standard ( size, teeth, testicles, colour ).
You do care about woking ability?
A German Shepherd should be able to work, and it should be able to protect -
out of this reason there are trials - in these trials the dog has to show that it is at least more or less able to work and to protect -
the judge doesn´t ask for perfection, but for the minimal Standard
= a trial title will tell you more about your dog.
The German Shepherd Dog Breed suffers of deseases like HD, ED, and other deseases -
official tests will tell you more - no tests = no knowledge.
The DNA test -German and other West European bred German Shepherds are DNA tested for decades - that said you can be sure the ancestors REALLY are the ancestors of your dog - WITHOUT DNA it´s a gamble, it´s just a dog - always ask for official DNA results.
You maybe want to show / trial / breed your dog within GSDCA or USA later on?
Maybe you dream about even the Siegershow, be it USCA or USA?
Then you really should take a look at the prerequsites of the PARENTS of your dog -
the clubs, be it GSDCA, USA, or SV, may tell you that your dog is not allowed to participate at all -
be it a trial, be it a show -
Parents without show results?
Parents without trial and show results? Not even a Wesenstest, and an endurance trial?
No Koerung? One parent? Both?
Parents without health results ( HD/ED ) ?
Parents without DNA results?
You bought a mutt - not more, not less.
The German Shepherd Dog is an outstanding breed
1. with a unique outfit/standard
2. with special working dog abilities
3. with special deseases, that, for the betterment of the breed, should not be bred on
You only do care about the appearance ?
I told you - "don´t read my post" -
you don´t care, you are lost for the breed.
For everyone else - don´t pay good money for nice, good looking pics -
in case you are interested in this outstanding breed, ask for more...
Ask for trials, ask for show results, ask for DNA, ask for Koerung, ask for official health tests of the parents of your puppy.
A puppy out of parents without AT LEAST
Healthtest ( HD/ED )
is not worth to be paid as a "German Shepherd", it´s just a pet - a pet you are able to find in any American shelter.
by Mackenzie on 14 January 2025 - 04:01

by susie on 30 January 2025 - 16:01
Mack, there is no one left interested in the breed any more...
This board became the number one address for buying and selling "dogs" looking like German Shepherd Dogs for North Ameriica.
The so called American "breeders" and "importers" are not interested in the breed, but in fast earned money only -
that said they either look for cheap puppies, cheap (pregnant) females, or cheap stud males ...
Pregnant female bought for 2500 $ + flight - 8 puppies sold for 2000$ each puppy = success !!!
These people don´t care about health, working ability, or standard - the dog just has to look like a well colered RinTinTIn...
The really sad part; The USA bought some of our best genetics during the decades, but they didn´t make use of it, and they still don´t do.
They just don´t care - be it the "breeders", be it the "buyers" - money sells.
by GSDHeritage on 30 January 2025 - 18:01
susie Most of the GSDs that are now entered on the PDB are not all USA AKC GSDs. If you check on the GSDs entered you will see this. It is not a waste of time posting here. Members and non-members will read this.
The Admins check to see if the dogs entered Health Results are correct. Several PDB members in the past entered false testing not found on OFA, SV or other sites this is checked over now to be correct. If members find a dog they know to be false they can contact GSDHeritage (admin) I will check into this.

by charlie319 on 11 February 2025 - 21:02
The GSD market is multilayered. There are those who can and do splurge on a bright, shinny pedigree, whether or not it works. Not everyone goes out and plunks $3to $5 K on a dog. You can have that segment of the market.
I went to USCA 2014 with a male longcoat with a scrambled. (WGSL father and a mother that had American, WGSL, WGWL, DDR, CZ, you name it) and not only grabbed SG2, but the judge proceeded to compliment him on a type that is easy to like. He only had a BH because he did not want the sleeve, but the man. So, he did not get bred. At age 9, on a dare, he passed OFA hips.lived to age 11.
So, now... I've had a couple of Arlett females. A Margman female and a couple of dogs with a pretty high content of Kirschental lines. I may do one or two litters a year. I'm nowhere near the market pricing and I always keep one or two. Those who buy from me, including folks at my vet, usually come back, or send relatives. But, I'm retired and I breed to my own taste. I sell to disperse those that I do not keep, and I do not ship beyond a day's drive. The shepherding lines make for a smart, workmanlike temperament. Very "bidable".
I keep in touch with the show scene. A good breeder invests in bitches and makes his male to display type. Beware those who buy old males to cover their poor quality of females. To me, that's always is a red flag. Or those who churn import males without competing them here. If you buy a BSZS V dog, he should have a shot at VA or high V placement in the US.
Breeders should be trying to broaden the bottom of the market, because a portion of them may one day progress to buying an expensive male. Call it a necessary evil. You need entry level options. The downsidecfor youbis thst a small portion of those breeders will progress and displace old breeders while doing what they need to generate V and VA type competitors.
A bigger threat to the breed is what has been going on since the early 1970's from the SV.

by susie on 17 February 2025 - 17:02
North Americans ( yes, there are single exceptions, I know ! ) don´t care about the breed at all, breeders import and sell puppies out of untitled. not officially health tested, never officially shown, never officially DNAed "imported European German Shepherd Dogs"...bought for small money - but their puppies sold for a lot of cash...
The worst scenario I could ever imagine.
I was used to the American unawareness of official proof, but buying and breeding unproven dogs is a new reality...
My country made ( and still makes ) a lot of mistakes, but NO breeder within SV would breed / sell dogs without proof of minimal working ability, health tests, conformation standard.
And according to the standard the outcome out of these proven dogs needs to be proven too prior to breeding...
But for several years now breeders besides the pond do buy unproven parents, and they do sell the puppies out of those unproven parents for a LOT of money...
Why? It´s fast earned money! No time, no work, no disappointments...
"Normally" a breeder wants to better the breed, in my country almost all breeders don´t earn any money with breeding German Shepherd Dogs, but want to breed good dogs fitting the standard - they do invest a lot of time, a lot of money - they are more than glad when they are able to get back some of the money and time they invested...
whereas in North America a lot of "breeders" just want to make money, no matter what -
Too young for breeding, be it sire or dam? So what...
No health tests, be it sire or dam? So what...
No trial results, be it sire or dam? So what....
No show results, be it sire or dam? So what...
Who cares?
That´s reality...
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