German Shepherd Dog Stud Dog: 100% DDR.(IMPORT) "Blut" Sable Pups (id: 304611)

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Avoiding scams

German Shepherd Dog - Stud Dog

100% DDR.(IMPORT) "Blut" Sable Pups

Sent by Oelmannsdorf

United States   US ←→ Posted from United States

Updated: Jan 25, 2025 05:34 PM (inserted 2 weeks ago) -> 344
Oelmansdorf K9 FINEST 😎 Introducing XERO vom SMITHFARMS 14 week old EAST GERMAN Import Blutlines ** MALE** this pup is looking for a new home,he has the potential too be a future STUD dog or home protector, he is the son of EZEKIEL vom OELMANSDORF OFA EXCELLENT hips x SHYLA vom OELMANSDORF, this pups will have very strong bones,very large headpiece,great drives,and temperament with very elegant looks... Rasputin vom Flossgraben, Dena vom Kloedner Riss, Hetti vom Ludwigseck,Ian vom Oelmansdorf, Golf vom Clausberg, Brain vom Sperlinbucht...TOP EUROPEAN BLUTLINES . Terry Hatten USA Texas 832 563 3463



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