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Siblings list for SIEGER Junior Odi Opium od Telepa CAC, RCAC
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: INT'L.CH, VV1, The World Promisse '00 Best JR Female ITALY, Come As You Are Della Baronessa and father: INT CH, FCI EURO YOUNG CH '03, Hung. YTH CH, Romania YTH CH Horus del Mediano SCHH 1, ZTP 1
Mother: Santa Julf Barishnia Baltinava and father: INT CH, FCI EURO YOUNG CH '03, Hung. YTH CH, Romania YTH CH Horus del Mediano SCHH 1, ZTP 1
Mother: JCH RUS, CH RUS, CH. Santa julf barishnja baltinava and father: INT CH, FCI EURO YOUNG CH '03, Hung. YTH CH, Romania YTH CH Horus del Mediano SCHH 1, ZTP 1
Mother: VETERAN CHAMPION Zorca di Perlanera IPO1 and father: INT CH, FCI EURO YOUNG CH '03, Hung. YTH CH, Romania YTH CH Horus del Mediano SCHH 1, ZTP 1
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