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Siblings list for MULTI.CH. Irinus de Ferignis BH, IPO2
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: BDSGRN INT. CH. Alina Von't Grone Land IPO 3, ADPR, BH, ZTP and father: INTL CH Eick Von der Rappenau FII, IPOIII, SCHIII
Mother: ARIA-AIRA AGBET and father: V, IDC.DV.SIEGER, VDH CH, INT CH, German CH, Austrian CH Graaf Quirinus van Neerlands Stam SCHH3,ZTP V1B,FH
Mother: Akira von der Preussen-Garde and father: V, IDC.DV.SIEGER, VDH CH, INT CH, German CH, Austrian CH Graaf Quirinus van Neerlands Stam SCHH3,ZTP V1B,FH
Mother: Altea de Bertiz and father: V, IDC.DV.SIEGER, VDH CH, INT CH, German CH, Austrian CH Graaf Quirinus van Neerlands Stam SCHH3,ZTP V1B,FH
Mother: INT. CH. Anaiisactraction ZTP and father: V, IDC.DV.SIEGER, VDH CH, INT CH, German CH, Austrian CH Graaf Quirinus van Neerlands Stam SCHH3,ZTP V1B,FH
Mother: Anki v Hakenovky CS and father: V, IDC.DV.SIEGER, VDH CH, INT CH, German CH, Austrian CH Graaf Quirinus van Neerlands Stam SCHH3,ZTP V1B,FH
Mother: Arany- Sárkány Regi and father: V, IDC.DV.SIEGER, VDH CH, INT CH, German CH, Austrian CH Graaf Quirinus van Neerlands Stam SCHH3,ZTP V1B,FH
Mother: Barones Belita v Alpha Nordic and father: V, IDC.DV.SIEGER, VDH CH, INT CH, German CH, Austrian CH Graaf Quirinus van Neerlands Stam SCHH3,ZTP V1B,FH
Mother: Barones Ko-Ko v Harro's Berg and father: V, IDC.DV.SIEGER, VDH CH, INT CH, German CH, Austrian CH Graaf Quirinus van Neerlands Stam SCHH3,ZTP V1B,FH
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