USCA Sieger Show - Page 4

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by vk4gsd on 02 May 2017 - 22:05

Or the following trends of other community orgs, the old people eventually die off and new people reinvent something for their own times....usually much better than the old guard could have imagined.

by GSD911 on 03 May 2017 - 01:05

Here's another reality I believe no one mentioned.
If you breed or import a nice male with really good conformation, gets a couple of SG-1's
and you title them yourself, work your butt off for BH, AD, IPO-1. 2 , even 3 etc. with working ability over most of what you usually see,
If he's not a top VA in Germany no one cares.
And the end of it is that the breed is stuck with a smaller gene pool.

by momma on 03 May 2017 - 02:05

I was at this show and it was pathetic. The entries were the lowest I have ever seen. The judging was to say the least perhaps influenced by personal relationships......the pulls were a weak attempt to make the entry look bigger but people that had no intentions of coming.
Notes you failed to hit on Dog 1:
1) The same judges were coming for both USCA and GSDCA events. They should not allow the same judge to officiate the premier competitions in our country in the same calendar year and going forward certainly not back to back.
2) If you were in MO in October 2016, you had to choke watching the male bite work. It does nothing for the breed here to allow these dogs not only to go on to the ring but to get top placements.
3) The SV needs to take responsibility for the SV Judges allowed to come to the US for events. These judges would never be able to give placements in Europe the way they compromise here.
4) The shows need to be held alternately in different regions of the country. MO and IN cannot possible be the only states available.
5)GSD911, you are correct that you don't need to have a GSD to work in USCA but you do have to have a GSD to show in the Sieger Show. The USCA as an organization is falling backward because only "working line" enthusiast are running the organization. They have no respect for the show line members and it is obvious. The organizations are out of balance and thus doomed to fail.

by momma on 03 May 2017 - 03:05

Just a note: Go figure the Sieger for GSDCA and the same judge awards the same breeder Siegerin USCA Show. I just find that a bit suspicious.

by Swarnendu on 03 May 2017 - 08:05

Though off-topic, but since the top line of GSD is being discussed in this thread:

The FCI Standard says, "The upper line runs from the base of the neck via the high, long withers and via the straight back towards the slightly sloping croup, without visible interruption. The back is moderately long, firm, strong and well-muscled. The loin is broad, short, strongly developed and well-muscled. The croup should be long and slightly sloping (approx 23° to the horizontal) and the upper line should merge into the base of the tail without interruption."

Now, it's impossible for a straight & level top line to meet an approx 23° croup "without visible interruption", there has to be a slight curve to achieve that.

Also note "via the straight back TOWARDS the slightly sloping croup". Obviously, the " straight back" here refers to the "thoracic back" only, not the "lumbar back", which is allowed to be slightly curved going TOWARDS the croup in order to achieve a top line which has no " visible interruption ".


by Xeph on 03 May 2017 - 11:05

You must be a Louis Donald fan .

by Bavarian Wagon on 03 May 2017 - 12:05

The biggest downfall of both show and working titling is the fact that the public just doesn't care anymore, there truly isn't any incentive for breeders to put in the work and title/show their dogs. This forum is a prime example of it where the majority will scream and claw about how their dogs without titles and show ratings are just as good if not better than anything that's titled or shown. That screaming convinces more buyers/customers than anything else and people have realized that. Running your mouth is always easier than running your dog.

by Swarnendu on 03 May 2017 - 13:05

Xeph, how about "great men think alike" instead?Wink Smile

But no, I am a fan of my own mentor, who has taught me that when there are lots of opinions without any proof to back them up, I should stick to the most logical one until research shows otherwise.

But, let's not drag this OT any further.


by Xeph on 03 May 2017 - 13:05

You can keep him lol. As long as you have someone you're happy with.

by momma on 06 May 2017 - 05:05

in my limited experience, I found the shows to be over political and even one judge (Richard Brauch) saying that the reason these shows exist are because of the big breeders (i.e. Wilhendorf, Mittelwest etc). Well that is also part of the problem and why the shows may not be continued due to lack of financial profit to the organizations if the little breeder stops coming. And the biggest loser is the breed when dogs are placed in high positions that really are not the quality that should be taking this breed into the future.
The big political kennels make a living off of the breed and by the shows. Their winnings are not about quality but profit. And the judges that feed into that are just as quilty of fraud as these breeders to the future of the breed.
GSD 911, you know more than just a rookie but putting that aside you did hit on the economics of the need for top German Handlers and the money going back into the corrupt system as it exists. There are many judges that should NEVER be allowed to judge in the USA because of their known relationships. Time to clean it up.
And GSD911, NO HOT classes, as they already render to too much cheating at the local level. but more importantly who cares who trained the dog as long as the dog performs.
The cheating is not only at the show level but also at the working level and not just in international business but also local scamps. Good luck cleaning this mess up.
PS Dog 1, although you raise some good points, you really should understand that you are basically a non achiever and give yourself way too much credit.


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