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Australian Shepherd -
CH Shadowmeres Close To Midnite
Dam born: 04. February 1984
ASCA E18549 (AKC DL39051602)
Hip: OFA: Good (AS-3690G51F) - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
CH Briarbrooks Midnight Express 1980ASCA E9360 HD- Sire | HOF ASCA Ch. Fieldmasters Three Ring Circus 1977ASCA E3043 HD-OFA: Good (AS-3846G26M) Sire | CDHOF ASCA CH Fieldmaster of Flintridge CD 1969ASCA A152 HD- Sire |
Whispering Pines of Flintridge 1974ASCA E857 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-525) Dam | ||
Glacier Crest Naughty Pine 1975ASCA B3053 HD- Dam | HOF ASCA CH Little Abner of Flintridge 1972ASCA A505 HD- Sire | |
CH Petersens Olympia of Aberdare 1974ASCA B2069 HD- Dam | ||
HOF Briarbrooks Marque of Patchwork 1982ASCA E13866 HD-AS-3719G73F Dam | CDHOF CH Sun's Mark of Windermere CD 1975ASCA B003063 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-650) Sire | CDXHOF ASCA Ch. Windermeres Sunshine of Bonnie Blu CDX 1972ASCA B562 HD- Sire |
UDHOF Fisher's Blue Heather of Windermere UD 1972ASCA B000623 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-593) Dam | ||
Meshlacons Three Pine Carbine 1979ASCA E4485 HD- Dam | Three Pine Travlin Toke of Meshlacon HD- Sire | |
Meshlacons Blue Kona 1977ASCA E1392 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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