Simple pedigree chart for Niltaran Karuzr Blazer (2710998)

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Simple pedigree chart for Aust Ch Niltaran Karuzr Blazer

Aust Ch Niltaran Karuzr Blazer
BISSBISBPISCAN&AMCH Winterchill's Cruz'n Spirit
CAN CH Winterchill's Dark Warrior
CH Winterchill's Williwaw Apache
BIS, BISS AM/CAN CH Williwaw's Kodiak Cub
AM CH Williwaw's Ivaloo of Targhee ROM
BIS, CAN CH Oopik's Winterchill Mischief WTD,WLD,SD
(CKCXJ874745 (AKC WP36866801))
CAN CH Icelandic Snomischief of Oopik WTD
BIS CAN CH Winterchill'S Wyldkat Makenna
Kipmik'S I'M Winterchilled
Kipmik's Ain't She Sweet CH
CAN CH AM CH Kipmik'S Winterchill Legacy
CH Kipmik's At'sa Lotta Woman
MBIS MBOSS AM CH CAN Winterchill'S Blazing Spirit
BISS AM CAN CH Prairie Snow's Lieutenant Dan
BIS/BISS AM CH Nanuke's Revolutionary ROM
AM CH Onan's Echoes In The Wind
CH Black Ice's Autumn Splendor
Misty Paks Worth A Lick
CAN CH AM CH Kipmik'S Winterchill Legacy
BISS/CH Adair 'N' Hug's Stratigic Move ROM
CH Adair's Kyrie
CH Kipmik's At'sa Lotta Woman
CH Howlingwind's Neeko For Kipmik
Aust. Ch. Niltaran Ernace Sakari
Kataku Fire N Rain
BISS BIS AM/CAN CH Williwaw's River Dance
BIS BISS AM & CAN CH Braemal's Alyeska Tuaq
(CKCXW919192 (AKC WP44261701))
CH AM/CAN Sno Buck's Spirit Of The Sun CD
Snowtip's Williwaw Windance
CH AM/CAN Williwaw's Silver Eagle
Kataku Fire N Fury
NZ CH Icewinds Body N'Soul
NZ CH Mulawa Kylea Kayla
Black Ice's Kataku Ruby
Misty Paks Worth A Lick
Aust Ch Kortmar Threedays Grace
Kipmik'S I'M Winterchilled
AM.&CAN. CH. Barrenfield Manhatten Project
AM/CAN CH Tsoam Barrenfield Timberline ROM
Kipmik's Ain't She Sweet CH
CH Howlingwind's Neeko For Kipmik
Aust Ch Can Ch Kipmik's Partner In Crime
AM CAN CH Kipmik’s Kampaign Promise
No information about the Sire
Kipmik's Ain't She Sweet CH
CAN CH Kipmik’s Hot To Trot
AM CH CAN CH Kipmik's Circuit Breaker


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