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Akita - Female
Goshen's Cherry Ko-La
Dam born: 24. October 1985
AKC WF863797
Hip: OFA: Good (AK-3795G51F) - Elbows: Not Tested
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
AKC CH Texa-Ko O'BJ1982AKC WF309313 HD- Sire | ROMPXAKC/CAN CH Kakwa's Orca ROMPX1978AKC WE936300 HD- Sire | AKC/CAN CH Shuso Saki Tumi Of Okii Yubi1972AKC WC360510 HD- Sire |
AKC/CAN/BDA CH Langan's Amaterasu-O-Mi-KamiAKC WD799663 HD- Dam | ||
AKC CH O'BJ Copy-Ko1980AKC WE722491 HD- Dam | CDAKC CH Minkee's Arcturus Mekahn CD1979AKC WE243136 HD- Sire | |
ROMPXAKC CH Okii Yubi's Dragonhouse Ko-Go ROMPX1974AKC WD108261 HD- Dam | ||
ROMPAKC CH Goshen's Kuroi Kao Tar Baby ROMP1982AKC WF340791 HD- Dam | AKC CH Sherisan Ura Gin1978AKC WE154727 HD-OFA: Fair (AK-1219) Sire | ROMPXAKC CH Okii Yubis Sachmo Of Makoto ROMPX1973AKC WC622857 HD-OFA: Good (AK-419) Sire |
ROMAKC CH Echols Ichi-Ban Tamiko ROM1974AKC WC889761 HD-OFA: Good (AK-566) Dam | ||
ROMPAKC CH Kinouk's Kiss-N-Run ROMP1979AKC WE374909 HD- Dam | AKC CH Kin Hozan's Bozo Go1975AKC WD235863 HD-OFA Normal Sire | |
Kinouk's Karlaya1977AKC WD835817 HD-Not Tested Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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